Stats and Testimonials

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Revision as of 13:14, 4 January 2006 by Halfasspete (talk | contribs)
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This page exists as a central point for gathering information that demonstrates how cool Free Geek is.

share these at will

Things that show how cool Free Geek is.

  • Please indicate the source and date of anything you add to this list.
  • If you're unsure of anything, put it below the double line until it's ready.
  • If you have a longer testimonial or item elsewhere in the wiki, please link to it here.


  • Free Geek has received nearly 287,000 (286,916) Gizmos from the public, including 31,441 systems, 33,169 monitors and 22,102 printers
taken by Oso from FGDB 11/2000 to 12/05/2005
  • Free Geek has put nearly 50,000 (49,866) Gizmos back into reuse, including more than 6,400 (6,412) computer systems
taken by Oso from FGDB 11/2000 to 12/05/2005

Table below reflects number of monetary donations (including monitor fees, individuals, organizations) over $500, $400, etc. It's not a fully accurate account of anything (e.g., if somebody gave $75/month for an entire year, it would not show up at all in this table), but it gives a sense of how the Geek has grown.

--Pete 12:14, 4 Jan 2006 (PST) (using data supplied by Richard. See talk page for SQL queries.)

$500 & up 400 & up 300 & up 200 & up 100 & up
2001 1 2 2 5 17
2002 1 2 4 11 51
2003 3 5 12 22 98
2004 19 24 33 63 193
2005 11 14 28 68 253


If you'd like to interview someone to gather some testimonials check out the Testimonial Questions for some ideas of questions to ask. BADLY NEEDED: something from a hardware-grantee.

  • "Free Geek has been greatly supportive of the youth and families that I work with. While developing important ties to the community, youth are able to develop important self esteem and job related skills. They are able to do this while earning a computer of their own which can follow them as a tool into their search for jobs in our community."
Scott Brown LCSW, Youth and Family Therapist, Counterpoint Outpatient, Morrison Child and Family Services
--Pete 18:12, 19 Dec 2005 (PST)
  • "as asked i will give my information my name is forrest i work in various places in freegeek usualy work where they need me meening i move around alot my main reason for joining freegeek was for the store discount but when iheard it was 4 hours for 90 days of discount i decided to just keep comeing in i like working on computers from building them at home or fixing them for friends from time to time i also enjoy learniung new things and since i started at freegeek have learned more then i expected in a 1 month time"
Forrest Gray, Dec '05.
Posted to core, approved for public use via another email to core. Thanks Forrest!
--Pete 18:51, 8 Dec 2005 (PST)
  • "At Free Geek, I have been able to both further my knowledge of computer hardware and software, and help train those less knowledgeable than myself. And when I or my clients have old computer systems to get rid of, we know they will be put to the best possible use."
-Pete Forsyth, small business owner, Puddletown Tech
--Pete 15:44, 3 Dec 2005 (PST)
  • "Sponsoring Free Geek's 'Geek Prom' event was great fun for all of us at New Deal Distillery. The volunteers were fun and easy to work with & the exposure New Deal received was excellent. We'd happily work with Free Geek to support their events again!"
Jana Hughes, marketing director, New Deal Vodka
--Pete 21:06, 20 Dec 2005 (PST)
  • Dottye Flowers, Free Geek volunteer since 4/2005, 61 years old. Quotes dated 11/05.
    • "[Free Geek] is a very good training place. And to me it has been like my extended family."
    • "The folks that volunteer [at Free Geek] are fun to work with and all the instructores are very patient and couteous to me and so appreciative of everyone's efforts. I get smiles when I arrive and I am sad to go when I have run out of time."
    • "When building my 5th computer, I had picked out one from the warehouse that most of the frequent or regular builders and the instructors thought it might be too hard for me to build. I asked if it could be done and they said yes. Then when I asked if I would have help to build it they all quickly said, "Yes, we will help you." So we all built it and it was a fine system when it was completed. It was a really good looking computer system and I felt so good about the accomplishment. But the thanks really goes to all of the folks around me that helped me build it. My thanks to all who helped me."
--Shawn 17:19, 29 Dec 2005 (PST)


(copy-and-pasted from Organizational Narrative)

  • In November of 2003, Free Geek received Honorable Mention for the Peter F. Drucker Award for Non-Profit Innovation.
  • In November of 2002, Free Geek was named a Founder of the New Northwest by Sustainable Northwest. They recognize leadership in sustainable business and economic practices in the northwestern United States. Free Geek was profiled in a book published by Sustainable Northwest in May 2003. Free Geek received the award at the 2003 Sustainability Forum awards banquet.
  • In June of 2001, Free Geek's Administrative Coordinator, Oso Martín, was presented an E-chievment Award from the National Public Radio program, E-Town, in recognition of his work to make "a positive difference in his community and beyond".

in-progress stuff

When an item has been completed and verified, please move it above the double line AND put your name by it, in case of questions.

Quantifying our accomplishments:

  • Free Geek has recycled approximately 700 tons of computer equipment since its inception. (estimated by Oso - life of program - 11/2000 to 12/05/2005)
Oso- curious about the estimate. Are there any materials, or time periods we CAN get hard numbers for, or is that just something that isn't tracked? Also, do I understand right, this is what we've sent out and literally "recycled", not including the stuff we've reused? --Pete 21:00, 7 Dec 2005 (PST)
  • Testimonial should be coming from Scott Brown, LCSW, Morrison Center. Pete will contact him after holidays, if he hasn't been heard from. DONE

possible interviewees

folks reporters might want to interview for more detail on certain topics:

  • Consensus process: Richard (?)
  • Education/workforce training: Laurel (?)
  • Free Geek as a good playground for making Free Software: Vagrant
  • Free Geek as Portland citizen: Oso
  • Fundraising: Oso
  • LPI tests: Reid Leake, passed 101 and 102 in '05; Keith Lofstrom, prefers email over phone
  • Recycling: Christen/Oso
  • Linux-related aspects of Free Geek: Dave or Martin
  • Volunteer programs: Shawn
  • Worker's Collective: Shawn (?)

other relevant wiki pages

good sources for stats

places to use info contained here