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GEEK PROM is a annual spring fundraiser with a high school prom theme. It is scheduled for Saturday, May 6th. This year it'll be at the Acme at SE 8th and Main. The Outreach committee oversees this event. The theme this year is:

  • Level Up! at Geek Prom 2006


  • Tickets: $6-10 sliding scale
  • Location/sponsor: Acme: 8th and Main
  • Additional sponsors: New Deal Vodka and Willamette Week
  • Activities/fundraisers: Photo Booth, Candy boys/girls selling raffle tix, projected classic video games, king and queen competition
  • Bands: Piano Man Rich Landar, The Golden Greats, DJ Parklife, Tim Kutscha has offered to help DJ if we need him. He wont be upset if we dont, but it is good to have a capable guy with a laptop on hand.
  • Jello shots? I hope so.
  • Group photo? perhaps we can have a web cam mounted from above the bar? it would be nice to get everyone we can together for a pic (it has been awhile!)


  • Music/DJs - Shawn/Phil
  • Stage manager - uh, do we need one? Acme has full PA and turntables
  • MC - RevPhil
  • Meet the Geek
  • Photo Booth - Martin
  • Giant Video Game - Dave?
  • Food/Drink - Shawn/Acme
  • Alcohol coordination - Phil
  • Raffle prize accrual - Jeanne/Jeff
  • Outreach/PR - Oso/Shawn
  • Decorations
  • Volunteers
    • Ticket-takers/ID check (3 step), setup, teardown, food watcher, photo booth assistant, candy girls/boys


  • Tickets

Will earn ~$1750 for 250 tickets (assuming an average sale price of $7) Only sold at-the-door

  • Photo Booth

Pose with your favorite gizmo/museum item! Set this up outside

  • Candy boys/girls sell raffle tickets
  • Alcohol Sales:

Will earn ~$1000 (?)

  • Snacks will be bought from Acme. Cost: $200


  • March 20 Send out a feeler email for a media sponsor to the weekly rags
  • March 23 Choose theme
  • April 4 Final Band Lineup
  • April 4 First press release
  • April 6 or so Finalize plans with Acme
  • April 6 First draft poster done -
  • April 6 Major raffle donors contacted (30-day head-start on big items)
  • April 14 Final poster/flier done raffle items mostly done
  • April 14 Second press release with finalized info
  • April 15 Copies of flier and poster made at FG
  • April 15 Press release out to media
  • April 15 Press release out to minor media/email lists/bulletin boards
  • April 17 Shawn makes copies of flier if FG printers fail
  • April 18 begin to blanket the city with fliers/posters
  • April 21 Raffle items mostly collected
  • April 21 All final media in to media outlets
  • April 22 Outreach for volunteers: setup/decorations, door, photo booth, candy girls/boys, drivers?, cleanup
  • After: finalize photo booth, get trays for candy girls/boys, finalize decoration scheme, get video game set-up

Press Release

Press Releases sent to:

  • Willamette Week calendar (4/20)
  • Mercury calendar (4/20)
  • City Repair Core (4/21)
  • KBOO Community Calendar (4/20)
  • Craigs List (4/21)
  • N4N (4/21)
  • Oregonian events calendar (4/21)
  • Oregonian A&E (4/41)
  • Fox Channel 12 community calendar (4/21)
  • CitySearch (4/21)