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the church of compost is guided by a basic reverence for the cycle of life, death and rebirth, as well as the understanding that once a part of this cycle, organic nutrients ideally remain within it.

returning the body to the earth is a very basic princepal. upon death, a body should be returned to the soil directly, composted, or left in remote places for scavengers (a practice inspired by tibetan sky burial). by eating the body, scavengers play an important role by swiftly re-integrating the body back into the cycle. thus, there is some reverence for scavengers.

other important roles of reverence are for the small, the decomposers. bacteria and worms deserve special mention, as they are so actively present in the processses of compost and soil. the ant also brings the cumbs of humanity back to the soil.

returning the body also happens in simple, daily ways. a living being is simultaneously engaged in the pocesses of death and rebirth. hair is a constant demonstration of this, and cuttings should be left in places to rejoin the cycle. shit and piss are also to be composted and returned to the soil, as all byproducts of the living body should be returned. if it once lived, it may live again.

food wastes, cloth, and all other compostable materials used in life should also be returned.

compost and the cycle is a cleansing force, and even materials tainted by toxins can eventually be integrated back into the cycle, though some may take a tragically long time, or particular care. worst of all are substances that halt the cycle of life, death and rebirth.

we all come from soil, and to soil will return, and continue to be reborn.