Sister Free Geek

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This is a thought experiment, not a plan. As a thought experiment, we don't need to pay too much attention to pesky little details like how much this would cost. Rather we can assume that it's possible that we might have to do something like this for financial reasons, or we might drift towards something like this scenario without intending to. In thinking about the Meta Question we go through the exercise of fleshing out what Free Geek would look like if we were open all day long, seven days a week.

The Gist

Say we continue to grow, feel like we are getting too big for our space (or just don't like the cultural ramifications of getting bigger), and so we decide to spin off a clone or ourselves elsewhere in the Portland Area -- a sister Free Geek. What might this look like?

Phases of Implementation

It seems like there'd be a few phases to making the first sister come into being:

Preliminary Location

First we'd want to think of a logical spot to set up a sister organization. Would it go in one of the burbs? East to Gresham or West to Hillsboro? What would the impact of locating in the suburbs be for a new Free Geek?

While we're pondering that, it seems like we'd need to gather some seed money to get the thing started. The mothership started with a grant of $35,000 which bought us four months. In retrospect, that was skating on pretty thin ice, but it seems clear

Acquiring the site

Starting the seed programs

Adding the rest of the programs

Outside perceptions

Coordination issues

A bumbershoot?