Free Geek Space Usage

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Free Geek has in it about 15,000 sqft of space. We have 2 mager programs a plethera of side projects all mixed together. In the past we have located "places" where ever we could find space. Now we are trying to come up with a plan to change our space to be more useful, edicational, and efficent.

Policies or policy like things




Original Proposal
So as to increase the amount of input into this process, the allocation of space in FreeGeek for projects, programs, and other uses shall be the province of the Community Council, or a group it designates. The Staff's Action Committee shall be in charge of enacting such provisions as the Council decides.
The use of the FreeGeek space is of the utmost concern to the entire community.
2nd version -- Oso
Council shall create a spage usage committee to create a long-term plan for allocaton and use of space of Free Geek facilities. The group shall determine the space program, taking into account current Free Geek programs, needs and anticipated programs and needs as possible. The committee will determine a list of priorities and will present these priorities to the council for approval. The council will then inform staff of the decision and staff (mainly the action committee) will implement the priorities list. As funding for different projects becomes available, building plans and modifications will be presented to the space usage committee for approval, and then to council for final approval. Periodic reviews of the priorities list will be needed to adjust to changing conditions over time.
The use of the FreeGeek space is of the utmost concern to the entire community, but the final implementation of changes and improvements is the pervue of the staff, as these decisions directly effect the daily operations and functionality of the facility. Operations are the responsibility of Staff.


These are two different drawings depicting the same idea.

Dave's Lo-Impact Whse Floor Plan

Image:Fg-floorplan low inpact.png

Dave's Low Impact Warehouse Floor Plan as scetched by Jim Fitterman

These are drawings of the same idea? (It looks like it to me, but i'm not certain.) What sort of feedback have we gotten? Who has been asked about it? Will eval need to change? Receiving? -Ideath
How about turning the drawings so they are 1) consistant direction, 2) can be read without turning your head. :)

--Iain-Davidson 14:20, 24 Aug 2006 (PDT)


There was a meeting in summer '05 to discuss space usage, but there were apparently no minutes recorded.

This ad hoc committee will reconvene in May '06. Jeff Schwaber put his memory of the ideas in an email in preparation for that meeting.