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How to get a key

Core volunteers and paid interns that need an external key can ask to be granted a key by the staff collective by sending a message to and indicating what they need the key for. The collective will discuss the matter at the next possible staff meeting. If a keyholder loses a key, they must reapply to the staff collective.

For further information on who gets keys and how check out the After Hours Access Policy.

Lists of keyholders

E and I keys

All members of the staff collective have keys to both the external (E) and internal (I) doors in the building. Additionally, paid interns and core volunteers also have these keys as needed.

  • (#1E/I) Elise
  • (#2E/I) Martin
  • (#3E/I) Kathie
  • (#4E/I) Nathan
  • (#5E/I) Liane
  • (#6E/I) Dave
  • (#7E/I) Richard
  • (#8E/I) Michael
  • (#9E) Matthew Harris
  • (#10E/I) Sergio
  • (#11E/I) Rick
  • (#12E/I) Shawn
  • (#13E/I) Steve
  • (#14E/I) Jeff Robinson
  • (#15E) Rev Phil Sano
  • (#16E) Tim Kutscha
  • (#17E) Cliff Fortune
  • (#18E) Ted Havelka
  • (#19E) Laurel Hoyt
  • (#20E/I) Matt Bell
  • (#21E/I) Joe McCann
  • (#22E) Oso Martin
  • (#23E/I) Elizabeth
  • (#24E) MISSING!!!
  • (#25E/I) Lorraine Kerwood
  • (#26E) Mr. Sam Anderson
  • (#27E) Kenny McElroy
  • (#28E) Dirk Morgan
  • (#29E/I) Ali Briggs
  • (#30E) Stacy Watts
  • (#31E) Joren Love
  • (#32E) Adam Barka
  • (#33E) Sophia Luchini-Dexter
  • (#34E) Jeanne Maxwell/LaFollette
  • (#35E) Jimi Conely(landlord)
  • (#36E) Debra Hubbard
  • (#37E) Loren Martin
  • (#38E)
  • (#39E)
  • (#40E)

(NOTE: An "I" indicates the keyholder has an internal key. An "E" indicates the keyholder has an external key.)

  • Loren Martin (approved and waiting for key)

Blackhole keyholders

The black hole has two locks. Both can be opened with an I key, the bottom can be opened with this key as well. This is for core laptop volunteers to be able to lock the room while they go to the bathroom and whatnot. Both locks should be kept locked when no-one is working in there.

  • John Warzynski
  • Steve Motis
  • Bill Shepherd

Tardis keyholders

This is the T key. Keys are issued at the discretion of staff(Mostly Dave and Martin) to allow access for build instructors to enter the tardis during their build shift. Dave has the keys.

  • (T#1) Kermit Jensen
  • (T#2) Robyn Talvey
  • (T#3) Jim Fitterman
  • (T#4) Doug Neubauer
  • (T#5) Charles McCarthy
  • (T#6) Blaine Deatherage-Newsom
  • (T#7)
  • (T#8)
  • (T#9)
  • (T#10)
  • (T#11)
  • (T#12)

Staff filing cabinet keyholders

(The staff filing cabinet is in the monkey house.)

  • (#(null)) Elizabeth
  • (#1) (brass) Liane
  • (#1) (made in Taiwan) Richard
  • (#2) Jeff
  • (#3) Martin
  • (#5) Rick
  • (#6) Ali
  • (#7) Shawn
  • (#8) Dave
  • (#9) Steve
  • (#10) Michael
  • (#13) Nathan
  • ( ?) Kathie

Re-keying the locks

  • If you're re-keying the locks, check this page to estimate how many new keys will be needed. Remember to take into account non Free Geekers with keys (artists subletting from us, etc.)
  • It is customary for the staff collective to reevaluate who still needs keys. This will affect the number of keys needed.
  • Other key requests will undoubtedly be made, so having a few extra keys made is good. (They should be kept in the safe.)
  • The keys should be numbered so they can be kept track of. The locksmith can do this. Our current locksmith (Atlasta Lock and Key) does this for no charge.
  • Before the locks are re-keyed it is very important that all keyholders be notified so that folks who need access are not locked out. This is especially important for keyholders who are not on staff, as they are most likely to be forgotten.