Adoption Program Information

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Welcome to the Adoption Program at Free Geek! The Adoption Program is our longest-standing program. Anyone may participate, as long as they can make it to our facility to volunteer. In exchange for 24 hours of service, our adopters receive a computer with monitor, speakers, keyboard, and mouse, a class on how to use the computer, and 1 year of free tech support. We also hope that you learn a bit about computers while you're volunteering.

What Tasks Will I Do While I'm at Free Geek?

The usual tasks for adopters include:

  • Receiving where you'll take in equipment from donors,
  • Recycling where you'll disassemble computers,
  • Basic Testing where you'll test mice, keyboards, monitors, CD-ROM drives, and speakers, and
  • Data Entry where you'll use our computers to keep our database up-to-date.

You also have the opportunity to do some special tasks, like help out in the Thrift Store as a Store Helper, assist the front desk, or do some cleaning. If you're interested in doing one of these special tasks, just tell the person at the front desk.

What Kind of Computer Will I Receive?

We've named the computers we give away to volunteers FreekBoxes. The current specifications are as follows:

Processor: Any Intel Core 2 Duo or Pentium D
1 GB or 2 GB of RAM
Hard drive: 460 GB
network, sound, video onboard or card
Monitor: 15" - 17" LCD
Keyboard, mouse, speakers

What About This Class That I Keep Hearing About?

The Getting Started Class is an introduction to computers and to using Linux, the operating system we install on FreekBoxes. You'll receive your "new" computer at the conclusion of the class, so it's important to arrange for transportation.

We require this class of all adopters receiving their computers. Even if you have some computer experience, Linux is a bit of a different ballgame, so we want to be sure you understand how to use it. If you do decide to opt out of the Getting Started Class, you won't receive any tech support from us.

Please be aware that the classes are often booked far in advance, so it may take a while for you to get into one. Also, if you can't make it, please call us at least 24 hours in advance to cancel so another volunteer can take your place. We offer the class on Saturdays: one class from noon - 3pm, and one from 4 - 7pm.

Recording Hours and Parking Your Car

At the end of each of your volunteer shifts, you'll need to log your hours and sign up for your next shift at the front desk. If you won't be able to make it to Free Geek for your shift, please call us. As an additional thank-you for your service, after you've volunteered for 4 hours, you'll receive a 50% discount in our Thrift Store!

If you have a car, there are plenty of places for you to park it around Free Geek. However, we ask that you don't park in front of Free Geek, in front of the building across 10th from Free Geek, and in the spaces marked Reserved in our parking lot. These are not our parking spaces and your car might be towed!


The Oregon Department of Labor requires a ½ hour, with relief from all duty, for each work period of 6 to 8 hours. During this time you will earn hours toward adopting a computer, However, we also encourage you to take a 15 minute breaks in every 3 ½ to 4 hour shift and this time is not deducted from your hours.

Health and Safety, Rah Rah Rah!

Please stay safe. There are lots of pointy things and tall piles of computer stuff at Free Geek. We ask the following of you while you're here:

  • Be careful, wear shoes, dress appropriately for your task, and alert a staff member if you see an unsafe situation that needs attention.
  • If your back or ankle or anything else starts hurting while you're volunteering, let us know and we'll have you do a different task.
  • If you are living with a blood-borne disease (like Hepatitis C or HIV), you are welcome here, but, for everyone's safety, please let a staff member know. Also, if you are cut at Free Geek and spill blood, let the closest staff member know so that he or she may act and give directions to others accordingly. Although we are invested in guarding your privacy, we request that you allow us to inform other staff members of the situation.
  • If you need any special consideration at all, let a staff member know so that we can work with you and help you get the most from your volunteer term.
  • Free Geek is a safe, respectful place. We don't allow harassment, violence, theft, arson, or other destructive behaviors here. Help keep our organization fun and inviting for all!

Parting Information

For reference, here's Free Geek's contact info. Thanks for volunteering at Free Geek!

Free Geek Community Technology Center
1731 SE 10th Avenue
Portland, OR 97214

Tel (503) 232-9350
Fax (503)230-8815
If you need to reschedule your shift please call 503 232-9350.