Regularly Scheduled Tour Guides

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Revision as of 15:00, 21 September 2007 by Elizabeth (talk | contribs) (added the possibility of David Starke as regular Sat noon tour guide)
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Look at all our dedicated tour guides! This is the list of regularly scheduled guides:

  • 12 noon: Rev Phil
  • 6 PM: Blaine
  • 12 noon: Tony from Macs
  • 6 PM: Mary Soots (can also do Spanish tour)
  • 12 noon: Phil
  • 6 PM: Kurt Krueger
  • 12 noon: Bob Griggs
  • 6 PM: Matthew Harris
  • 12 noon: (David Starke will do tour the 28th and possibly regularly)
  • 2 PM: Francisco Marquez (Spanish Tour)
  • 6 PM: Ben Rollock

Thank you Tour Guides!