Build Instructor Guide

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EB Multi

  1. Ctl-Alt-T on a diskless terminal
  2. env | grep -i ssh
  4. password is the same as on every other system
  5. mkbootfloppy
  6. the default is fine

How to print build-qc sheets

  2. get and save it
  3. open a terminal (Ctl-Alt-T on a diskless terminal, terminal icon on freekbox)
  4. ls (the file probably saved to your desktop, but check your current directory first, Desktop should be the only thing you see)
  5. cd Desktop (hitting tab after cd D works)
  6. ls (make sure the file saved correctly)
  7. Type 'lpr -o raw' to make sure it works right
  8. If it printed right type 'lpr -o raw -# 40' (40 is the number of copies...change it if you want)

Buildteacher duties

--Camc 16:50, 2 October 2007 (PDT)

Before the shift begins:

    • Check the signup sheet at the front desk to see who's expected today, and note how many slots are open. Often people show up without a reservation and you should have some idea of how many stations are available.
    • Check the whiteboard for today's special instructions. Also check the numbers of the various types of machines that are fully built and that need QC and encourage builders to work on the more needed tasks.
    • Make sure supplies are available:
      1. RAM in steel cabinet. Replenish supplies from the Tardis
      2. Hard drives: See what's available in the steel cabinet, what's in the tub by the cloning machines (tub may be in the Tardis or otherwise misplaced). Fill tub with appropriate number of appropriately sized wiped drives from the Tardis, do imaging throughout the session as you get a chance, mark imaged drives with a red marker dot, place in steel cabinet.
      3. Make Build-QC sheets as needed. Make system numbers as needed. (See detailed instructions below).
      4. Button batteries if needed. Get them from Eval. Keeping them in neat piles rather than in a jumble greatly lessens the chance of shorting out a good battery. Beware the digital voltmeters; when their internal 9 volt battery dies, they give false positives such as reading 3.04v for a battery that is really only 2.61. The analogue voltmeters aren't accurate enough to decide between 2.97 and 3.03 but they are useful to compare readings with the digital voltmeters.
    Dave, Matteo, Martin are resources. Try not to abuse their good natures.

During the shift:

    • All paperwork is to be done in pencil
    • Greet people as they arrive, get their name, introduce yourself as their instructor.
      1. If a person is new to build, make sure they have done the command line class ("What's the difference between cp and mv?" is a fair test); a blank look means that they are really just starting pre-build and should go directly to part sorting.
      2. Persons starting their first QC should have their own personal record sheet available (get it at the front desk), and it should have part sorting, eval, and command line checked off. If at all possible, start the first QC with a very ordinary box that is unlikely to have interesting problems. Instruct that software shutdown is always to be used rather than the power switch or removal of the power cord. A box with known keystroke to enter BIOS, preferably noted on the build sheet, is good; we don't want a total puzzlement like this to be the student's first experience with build.
      3. Persons who have finished their QC's and are starting their first build need to be shown where to find boxes in the warehouse and what to look for in the boxes: no missing case parts, not exotic. Please have them record the BIOS entry key on the build sheet so that the beginning QC'er can find it, and record hardware details as build progresses for when support is needed in the future.
      4. During the session, keep an eye out for people, especially new ones, who look lost or troubled. Help gently. Try too, to make sure that people are going through the process (checklist and instructions on the sheets in the plastic protector envelopes) and not just drylabbing. Unless yu know the builder to be reliable, do check the box over carefully both for specs and cosmetically. Make sure that any Microsoft certification stickers are removed or obliterated.

At the end of the shift:

    • Start cleaning up for the next shift, perhaps 15 minutes in advance. This is especially important at the end of the morning session if there are no empty stations for any early arrivals for the afternoon shift, to minimize the chaos of two flows of builders moving in contrary directions. It's also important at the end of the afternoon shift to get the builders out on time so the staff can go home too.

How to make new system numbers

--Camc 10:26, 22 January 2008 (PDT) Gizmo numbers for built boxen are now assigned automatically during the printme part of build-qc. Thus this section is no longer needed.

Howto Checkout QCed Boxen

Ryan52 09:13, 1 March 2008 (PST)

  • Make sure all of the slots and bays are covered and that the cards and slot covers are not loose
  • Check for updates (System=>Administration=>Update Manager, click check for updates, then click install updates)
  • Check if it rattles when you shake it
  • If you haven't seen it boot up fine, reboot it (some people see that it says press F2 to continue, so they do it with out ever fixing it)
  • There's more :D