External Hard Drive Testing

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How to test External Hard Drive Enclosures

  1. Have the Advanced Testing staff or key holder get you the following:
  • External H.D. Testing Kit (hard drives with files on them).
  • External Hard Drives.
  • Power supplies.
  1. Match the power supplies with the external hard drive enclosures by looking at the connector, voltage and amps.(There may be matched hard drive enclosures in marked box from the Tartis.)
  • If you can not find the appropriate power supply in the box, look in network testing.
  1. Plug it in and see if it gets power. If not, try switching the power supply. If that doesn't work, through it in the recycling bin.
  1. Open H.D. enclosure and remove hard drive.
  • Immediately give to a key holder to lock in up. (If there is no-one around then put it in the incoming hard drive box in Pre-build).
  1. Connect IDE ribbon cable or SATA cable to Advanced Testing Hard Drive and connect usb or firewire cable to system.
  • If it mounts and you are able to open the files on the drive it is good.
    • Fill out "Tested By" sticker and write whether it is SATA or IDE.
    • Place it in the Store Box.
  • If it does not show up, try mounting it in commandline.
    • If it will not mount, through it in the recycle bin.

Good work, now do it again!