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Revision as of 16:27, 14 July 2009 by Tonyc (talk | contribs)
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The Till Operation Badge

Cash Handling

  • Counting new till (morning/till drop)
  • Face bills
  • Anything larger than $20 goes under the till
  • Counting back change
  • Noting any cash out/in not in the DB
  • Where to get change

Credit Card Machine

  • Running a basic transaction
    • Write xaction # on receipt
    • Printing Customer Copy
    • Attaching CC receipt to Sales reciept
  • Voids
  • Reprints
  • Wiki for anything else

POS Orientation

Navigating the GUI (mom joke redacted) Using the 10-key pad and tab ctrl+E to turn on description field Turning the discount on/off

DB Orientation

Looking up purchase history Looking up hours history Searching for transaction