Bulk Pricing

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These are the prices and available items for the bulk buyer. *All* goods are being sold to the bulk buyer as-is.

Stuff that is put aside in advance

  • 40 gb hdd @ $5/each
  • Button batteries @.25/each
  • USB mice @ $3 (subject to availability)
  • Keyboards, black ps/2, @ $3
  • ps2 mice, black, $1
  • RAM 21/2700 512 mb, $8
  • SDRAM ??
  • Computers @$20/each, as is, 2.4 ghz and down

Explicitly not for bulk sale

  • Printers
  • USB keyboards
  • PC3200

Add ons

  • DVDRW $5 (as is)
  • Computers above 2.4 ghz (coordinator discretion, probably no, case-by-case)


All the static bags he can put his hands on. Self sort.


  • He chooses his own and we inspect before they are put in his van to ensure that they are under Free Box spec and that DVDRWs are accouted for.