Bulk Pricing

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These are the prices and available items for the bulk buyer. *All* goods are being sold to the bulk buyer as-is.

Stuff that is put aside in advance

  • 40 gb hdd @ $5/each
  • Button batteries @.25/each
  • USB mice @ $3 (subject to availability)
  • Keyboards, black ps/2, @ $3
  • ps2 mice, black, $1
  • RAM 21/2700 512 mb, $8
  • SDRAM ??
  • Computers @$20/each, as is, 2.4 ghz and down

Explicitly not for bulk sale

  • Printers
  • USB keyboards
  • PC3200 512+ memory
  • Any 1 gb stick

Add ons

  • DVDRW $5 (as is)
  • Computers above 2.4 ghz (coordinator discretion, probably no, case-by-case)


All the static bags he can put his hands on. Self sort.


  • He chooses his own and we inspect before they are put in his van to ensure that they are under Free Box spec and that DVDRWs are accouted for.

Loading and unloading

Free Geek will not provide labor for loading and unloading the vehicle. He's been told to bring his own labor.