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GEEK FAIR is Free Geek's annual celebration and summer fundraiser. It is a day-long block party in front of the FG Community Technology Center and inside the event space. This year, it's on July 9th. Here's the Geek Fair Timeline.




  • \Cur"rant\ (k?r"rant), n. [F. corinthe (raisins de Corinthe raisins of Corinth) current (in sense 1), from the city of Corinth in Greece, whence, probably, the small dried grape (1) was first imported, the Ribes fruit (2) receiving the name from its resemblance to that grape.] [1913 Webster]


  • Revolucion! Open source, open minds
  • Workshops on FOSS and Ubuntu
  • Showing of Revolution OS

To Do

Please see Geek Fair Timeline for a more complete todo list.

  • Pick theme. "Recharge the L-Wing" was last years.
  • Revise GEEK FAIR web page [1]
  • Create Press Release(s)
  • Corporate Sponsorships
  • Permits
    • Block Party
    • Noise
    • OLCC?

GEEK FAIR Coordinators

These are the various areas of coordination to pull off GEEK FAIR. Each needs a volunteer to take on the responsibility.

  • Music - ???
  • Games - ???
  • Event Volunteers - ???
  • Setup/Construction - Oso
  • Raffle/Silent Auction - ???
  • Booths - ???
  • Outreach - ???

Fundraising Ideas

  • Soda/Water Sales
  • Alcohol Sales? -- never done at GEEK FAIR before.
  • Booth Fees
  • Raffle Tickets
  • Silent Auction
  • Sidewalk Sale (thrift store)