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Inreach does not have a mission statement yet!

  • See our current wiki page here: Inreach

Inreach programs:

  • tours
  • volunteer rewards
  • core breakfast
  • front desk
  • public email addresses (like Volunteer@ and Info@)
  • large donation thank you notes.
  • room use
  • tabling
  • relations with neighbors
  • networking with other organizations
Sortable table
RT Number Topic Status Suggested Action/Disposition notes
17372 Volunteer Information Into Database open Is this project done? Comment to list on 04/01/2010 asking about status; have not heard anything
15599 Volunteer Appreciation Brainstorm Notes open change to "stalled" Some good ideas to re-visit
15399 Limiting resources to actual volunteers open Is this still an issue?
14615 Volunteer Management new change to "stalled" Does Inreach want to provide training for staff and interns?
14290 More High Caliber Volunteers to Free Up Staff new change to "resolved" this RT ticket is an idea which came from a retreat; FG currently has General Conduct Guidelines and is selective about interns; this is an ongoing conversation which doesn't need its own ticket item
14260 Get reimbursed for skills training new change to "open" see our draft Reimbursement Policy on the wiki
13502 Increasing Monetary Donations at the Donation Desk open
10798 Large/Off Hours Tours stalled
13137 RT Jockey new
13135 Computer Use Policy for the Lab open
12897 Combining / Transferring Hours Policy open
11637 Distinguishing staff from Volunteers new
10852 Update wiki for Inreach Committee open
10776 Need new contact for perl mongers new
10544 Clarification on building access for non-volunteers open
10543 Group Tours open
10324 1000 hour computer issue open
357 Volunteer Orientation open