Hardware Grants Responses

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Easy items


My name is _____your name_____, and I'm your Free Geek grant shepherd. As your shepherd, I'll be making sure that your hardware needs are met as much as possible. I'm writing to tell you that the _____organization name_____ grant application has been approved.

I can give you _____approved hardware_____ during one of these times:


PLEASE select one specific date and time and contact me, letting me know when exactly works for you.

If no time given works for you, tell me and we can work something out. The day you (or another representative from _____organization name_____) come to pick up your grant, let the front desk person know that you are looking for me (_____your name_____) for a grant. Additionally, if possible, please bring print outs of our e-mail correspondence.

_____only include the following if they are receiving systems_____I would like to let you know that all PCs and laptops that we give out come installed with Ubuntu Linux (more info can be found at ubuntu.com) as an operating system. Ubuntu Linux is free and open-source, which means it costs $0 to operate and there are people all around the world who are constantly developing it. It runs well on older as well as current PCs and works with most printers, scanners, cameras, etc. You are free to do whatever you'd like with your organization's computers, including installing another operating system like Macintosh OS X or Windows Vista. However, if you choose to keep Ubuntu on your computer Free Geek will provide tech support for up to one year after you receive your computer.

Thank you!

_____your name_____

_____your title_____

c/o the Free Geek Hardware Grants Group

(503) 232-9350 ext. 251

Weird Items/Waitlist

For items that ARE NOT Macintoshes or laptops, please gather them BEFORE mailing them out an approval notice.
We do not always have these items around.


My name is _____your name_____, and I'm your Free Geek grant shepherd. As your shepherd, I'll be making sure that your hardware needs are met as much as possible. I'm writing to tell you that the _____organization name_____ grant application has been approved.

I am writing to let you know that I have added _____approved hardware_____ to our wait list. _____for laptops>: I will let you know when _____they are/it is_____ available - the wait is estimated to be anywhere from 1 to 2 months.

In the mean time, I would like to let you know that all PCs and laptops that we give out come installed with Ubuntu Linux (more info can be found at ubuntu.com) as an operating system. Ubuntu Linux is free and open-source, which means it costs $0 to operate and there are people all around the world who are constantly developing it. It runs well on older as well as current PCs and works with most printers, scanners, cameras, etc. You are free to do whatever you'd like with your organization's computers, including installing another operating system like Macintosh OS X or Windows Vista. However, if you choose to keep Ubuntu on your computer Free Geek will provide tech support for up to one year after you receive your computer.

Thank you!

_____your name_____

_____your title_____

c/o the Free Geek Hardware Grants Group

(503) 232-9350 ext. 251

Server Grant Request

Since we have been receiving an increase in requests for servers, we will need this information before we can continue with your request:

Why do you need a server vs. a PC?:

Processor type:

Processor speed:

RAM specifications:

Hard drive capacity:


Other needs?:


Local area contact


My name is _____your name_____, and I'm writing to let you know that the hardware grant request for _____organization name_____ cannot be completed at this time. Free Geek does not have the means to ship equipment at this time. If you know a local area contact, that is someone who can be responsible for picking computers up from our Portland location and then shipping them to you, please contact me.

Good luck,

_____your name_____

_____your title_____

c/o the Free Geek Hardware Grants Group

(503) 232-9350 ext. 251

Organization type


My name is _____your name_____, and I'm writing to let you know that the hardware grant request for _____organization name_____ cannot be completed at this time. Currently Free Geek cannot grant computers to _____organization type, offer explanation._____

Good luck,

_____your name_____

_____your title_____

c/o the Free Geek Hardware Grants Group

(503) 232-9350 ext. 251



My name is _____your name_____, and I'm writing to let you know that the hardware grant request for _____organization name_____ cannot be completed at this time. We do not receive enough working items that you requested to be able to grant them out. _____offer alternatives, if available._____

Good luck,

_____your name_____

_____your title_____

c/o the Free Geek Hardware Grants Group

(503) 232-9350 ext. 251