Job Applicant Procedure

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This is what we're trying for the Office Coordinator hiring 1/08


  1. Applicant takes the tour
  2. Applicant submits resume to Front Desk at conclusion of tour
    • resume must include email address
    • advertise that we have printing capacity here
  3. Interview committee will email each applicant with form letter requesting essay explaining his/her interest

Form Letter

Thank you for your interest in working at Free Geek Community Technology Center! Now that you have taken the tour of our facility and experienced the unique nature of Free Geek, please submit a brief essay which explains your specific interest in and aptitude for the Office Coordinator position. Essays should be submitted to <> in plain text in the body of an email. The position closes on January 18th and we expect the new Office Coordinator to start on January 29th. Whether or not you are selected for an interview, we will contact you by Tuesday, January 22nd.