Exit Procedure for Collective Members

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This is a work in progress to be approved by the HR committee.Laurel 14:57, 1 September 2010 (UTC)

Collective Member Exit Procedure

Because situations will vary, some of these steps will be more critical or time-sensitive in different cases. Documentation, however, is a must.

Name of exiting collective member: ____________________
Name of person completing checklist: _____________________
Collective member exit procedure Date
Get keys and update Keyholders page.*
Recollect infrastructure equipment/other FG property they might have (laptop, credit card)
Determine status: for example, resigned / laid off / fired**
Ask them if they want to continue their health care with COBRA. If they are interested, have them speak with Laurel.
Get them their last paycheck and including vacation pay. If there are vacation backpay or other payment issues, be sure this is clear and documented in the personnel file
If applicable, figure out logistics of transition to new hire: can they do training?
Ask if they are interested in substituting. This is not necessary if they are being fired, or moving away from the area, or if there are other issues raised (at the discretion of the HR committee).
Notify Paychex
Review whether we need to change locks/passwords
Edit their database record, removing sign-in rights and cashier rights (unless they're okayed to continue volunteering in those roles)
Remove from restricted email lists and server groups
  • HR email list
  • Staff email list
  • Paid Workers email list
  • Locks email list
  • other committee email lists as determined by those committees
  • RT: remove from FGStaff group, perhaps adding to FGCore group
  • fgstaff group on application server
  • beancounters group on application server (probably)
  • remove access to Securewiki
Does s/he moderate any email lists? If so, then pass them off to another.
Announce it to the community
Remove from the contact list and staff page on website.
Remove from the Staff Collective Members page on the wiki.
Update the RT Personnel Files.
In database, edit worker page. Change status to "inactive" starting on the first day the person is no longer working. Or, if the person is available for substitute shifts, change status to "substitute".
In scheduling software, remove from future shifts, standard shifts (used to generate future schedules), and any meetings.
Remove access code from the alarm system:
  • Remove the alarm code itself from the access terminal.
  • Edit encrypted file of alarm access codes.
  • Contact service company to notify them of the change.
* If they were a credit card holder, make sure all recurring transactions based on that card are transferred to another card, or other arrangements made.
** Document decision and supporting evidence in their personnel file on RT. If they resigned (left of their own accord) request a letter of resignation including last day of work, 
last day on payroll, reason for leaving. (This documents that Free Geek did not terminate them, and helps keep our unemployment payments low.)


  • Calls about former employees should go to members of the HR committee.
  • Information about unemployment should go to HR as well.