Group volunteering

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Group volunteering refers to groups from different schools, organizations, or vocational programs that come to Free Geek to learn life and job skills, or just volunteer. They come usually once per week, and are have councilors with them that have been trained on different jobs in the recycling area. Some groups have their students check in and later log their hours on their own, other groups might hand a list of students and the hours worked to a front desk person to be entered.

Please note: Groups that want to do the Build Program should be asked to sign up as individuals. We do not host group volunteering for the Build Program.

Groups must volunteer for a minimum of 1.5 hours per session.

  • Ask these questions:

Info to include:

  • Name of Group
  • Day of Week - (of course we're closed Sun & Mon)
  • Time: -start to end- (1.5 hrs minimum)
  • How many people all together: -no more than 6 students and 2 counselors, or 8 people all together-
  • what can they do? -age and skill level is important to prepare enough reasonable and fun work for them-
  • Group Contact: Name of the group leader and their phone or e-mail, but no complete emails, please (e.g. darryl at freegeek dot org)
  • Free Geek Contact Person
  • Group Leader Orientation - decide on a day and time when the group leader can come in and spend a couple of hours learning the job, as well as where First Aid Kits, bathrooms and the Lounge area are.

During summer break groups usually change. We keep track of them here: Summer Break Groups

If you have questions, feel free to ask Darryl who coordinates group volunteering here at Free Geek.

See the Group Volunteering Policy for more details

Tours for Groups - If you want a group tour that's separate from the regular noon and 5 pm tours, send an e-mail to inreach@ to make sure we get a guide for the tour. Please also make a wiki entry for the large tour request at:

Scheduled Group Volunteering


Central City Concern ("CCC" #11570)

ongoing as of Jan 2011

  • Contact: Mark Alejos (503)467-4630, Jeff usually comes with group, Daniel Winters sometimes also.
  • Time: 11-3pm
  • How many people: 6 adults on bench, 2 at the table( they know that CHS has priority between 12:30 and 1:45pm, and we might reassign work for the hour)
  • What they do: bench and table, other stuff as needed
  • FG Contact: Darryl

Cleveland HS Lifeskills Classroom (#65600)

will start up again February 1st, 2011

  • Contact: Elizabeth Dubois 503-916-5120 ext.445 or Michael 916-5120
  • Time: 12:45pm to 1:45 pm
  • How many people: 4 students, 1 teacher
  • What they do: Recycling Bench, or table, or printers
  • FG Contact: Liane


Mt Scott Learning Centers (#34548)

confirmed for 2010-2011 school year

  • Contact: Joe Orzali
  • Phone: 503-771-8880
  • When: Third Wednesday of each month: 1/19, 2/16, 3/16, 4/20, 5/18
  • Time: 11 am - 1 pm
  • How many people: 8 high school students
  • What they do: 6 at Recycling Bench and 2 at Recycling Table
  • FG Contact: Darryl

Montavilla Community Center

start date April 6th, 2011

  • contact: Ken Lori
  • phone: 503-953-9573
  • Time: 4:30pm -7 pm
  • How many: 7 students, 1 staff Ken will call around 4pm to let us know how many will show up that day
  • 8 spots total: not sure which area they will be assigned on a weekly basis, need to know age, height, skill
  • If the above isn't available, sign up where possible at Table/Bench/Receiving
  • FG contact: Liane


Reynolds School District (#76394)

start date 9/30/10 Cornerstone Program

  • contact: Marylin Morise - Transition Specialist
  • phone: 503-328-0420 ext. 8363
  • Time : 11:45 - 1:45 ( lunch for the first 1/2 hr, don't actually start until 11:45)
  • How many: 4-5 students, 1 councilor
  • What they do: Recycling Table
  • FG Contact: Liane

Harry's Mother (#61383) yes, this really is the organization's name ;)

ongoing as of jan 2011 -dk

  • contact: Sylvia or Marijka (503) 233-8111
  • Time: 1:30pm-2:30pm
  • How many people: 4 total (sometimes 5 but only reserve 4 spots)
  • What they do: Recycling Bench
  • FG Contact: Darryl

Montavilla Community Center (#79498)

start date December 9th!

  • volunteer dates: 12/9, 12/16, (break for holidays)continue 1/6 until 3/24
  • contact: Ken Lori
  • phone: 503-953-9573
  • Time: 4:30pm - 7pm
  • How many: 6-8 HS students, 1 staff Ken will call around 4pm to let us know how many will show up that day
  • 9 spots total: 6 spots at Recycling Bench, 3 spots at Recycling Table
  • If the above isn't available, sign up where possible at Table/Bench/Receiving
  • What they do: Recycling table and bench, could do Receiving
  • FG contact: Liane


Cleveland Highschool Classroom (#62820)

start date 9/24/10, possibly 9/17/10

  • Contact: Mike 503-916-5120
  • Time: 11:15 am - 12:15 pm
  • How many people: 6 students, (counselors don't need additional spots)
  • What they do: Recycling Table (floppy disks, media, cards)
  • FG Contact: Liane
  • will be on Christmas break: 12/24, 12/31 2010

Prescott Terrace (#90079)

starting 3/12/10
not in on Friday, April 1, 2011; not in on Friday, April 8, 2011
coming in on Saturday, April 9, 2011 (one time only)
back to Friday volunteering on April 15, 2011

  • contact: Erin Iwamoto (908) 619-5656 / Zubaida Ula
  • Time: 3-6pm
  • How many people: up to 5 adults,
  • What they do: 2 spots = recycling table; 3 spots = recycling bench
  • FG contact: Liane


No groups scheduled on Saturdays right now.

One Time Group Volunteering

Group volunteering refers to groups from different schools, or vocational programs that come to Free Geek to learn life and job skills. They come here once week, and are have councilors with them that have been trained on different jobs in the recycling area. Some groups have their students check in and later log their hours on their own, other groups might hand a list of students and the hours worked to a front desk person to be entered. If you have questions, feel free to ask Liane, she is their contact person here at Free Geek.

See the Group Volunteering Policy for more details

When recording a group that wants to come in to help Free Geek for a few hours, and only wants it to be a "one time thing", please record them on this page. This way the good folks in Recycling can prepare themselves for teams of Super Recyclers.

Minimum time for tour and a volunteer shift: 2.5 hours.

Info to include:

  • Day of Week:
  • name of group
  • Time: -start to end-
  • How many people all together: -no more than 6 students and 2 councilors, or 8 people together-
  • what can they do? -age and skill level is important to prepare enough reasonable and fun work for them-
  • Work Areas (e.g. 6 on Recycling Bench & 3 on Recycling Table)
  • Tour: yes/no
  • Tour Guide (if applicable)
  • Group Contact: Name of the group leader and their phone or e-mail, but no complete emails, please (e.g. darryl at freegeek dot org)
  • Free Geek Contact Person
  • Confirmed? Yes/No

Tuesday, March 29th, 2011

U of O and Oregon State Associated Student Bodies

  • 2 shifts of 8 people each
  • 11:00am - 2:00pm = PrinterLand (eight people)
  • 3:00pm - 6:00pm = Recycling (eight people: two on table and six on bench)
  • Tour: no
  • Group Contact: Trevor Mathwick, UO Site Lead ASB
  • Free Geek Contact Person = Valerie
  • Confirmed? Yes

Wednesday, May 11th, 2011

Oregon Episcopal School

  • Time:9:30am -11:30am
  • up to 10 students
  • 6 on bench, 4 on table
  • Tour: yes, from 11:30 to 12 noon
  • Tour guide: ___________
  • organization contact: Nancy Teskey
  • Free Geek Contact: Liane
  • confirmed? Yes/no

Groups on hold until further notice


Youth Employment Institute ("YEI" #79064)

  • Contact: Maggie/Chad
  • Phone: 503-280-1058 x 129
  • Time: 12pm - 2 pm
  • How many people: only 2 people until further notice as of 3/30/11
  • What they do: table work, some might do bench work
  • FG Contact: Liane