Town Hall Meeting 2012

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Revision as of 17:14, 22 September 2012 by Liliana (talk | contribs)
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This will be the page recording the planning process and results from the Town Hall Meeting 2012

Publicity/Informational/Planning Materials

Print this double sided landscape
Candidate Nomination Flier
Print this landscape and cut in half
Candidate's Questionnaire
Give to nominees and use answers to populate the Voters Guide
Town Hall B&W Poster
Print this portrait on A3 paper (Meeting-room Printer can do this)
Voters' Guide
Print out double-sided and short-edge flip. Fold in half and distribute prior to Town Hall Meeting
Closure Signs
Edit in LibreDraw. Print landscape and post at least 3 days prior to event
Created in glabels. Distribute at THM and keep at Front Desk
Voters' Guide Insert
Made in LibreOffice Impress to tell people when to vote. Should be included with the Voter's Guide. Next year we should include this information in the packet.

Event Notes


Really nice, welcoming & organized venue
Great facilitator
Board facilitation of groups
Focused, informative and engaging reports
Group participation

Less successful

Low attendance by volunteers
Not enough information in the Web Announcement (event address)
Roles for Collective Staff could have been clearer
Not enough info about our agenda for the meeting
Not enough context for the Volunteer Candidates' speeches. Perhaps have them introduce themselves after/during small group discussions