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On occasion, Free Geek representatives go to events and staff a table full of information about our organization. The PR committee oversees these trips.

Right now, we only tend to accept tabling opportunities if we can find an appropriate core volunteer to staff the table, as there's often little publicity that actually happens. We're trying to track how successful each of these events has been, though.

What is stocked in each of the two Tabling Bins? (Required Supplies)

  • 1 manila folder containing:
    • Adoption Program Info (1/2 size) Sheets (English)
    • Build Program Info Sheets (English)
    • Build Program Info (1/2 size) Sheets (English)
  • 1 manila folder containing:
    • Build Program sheets (Spanish)
    • Adoption Program sheets (Spanish)
  • 1 manila folder containing:
    • Other Local Recyclers sheets
  • Brochures in both English and Español
  • Hazardous Materials fact sheets
  • Plug Into Portland flyers
  • ReusePDX promo flyers
  • Outreach Training/Talking Points Packet
  • Free Geek FAQ Printout
  • Biz cards for Ed/Grants Coordinator, Contributor Relations Coordinator, Volunteer/Front Desk Coordinator, and Generic Info
  • Thrift Store biz cards
  • Remit (mail donation) envelopes
  • 1 clipboard
  • 1 black tablecloth
  • 1 black Free Geek shiny nylon/canvas sign
  • FG Stickers Large and Small
  • 1 plastic sign stand
  • 1 brochure holder
  • 1 pair scissors
  • 1 roll of twine
  • Supply of rubber bands
  • large paper clips
  • large safety pins
  • Pens (ballpoint & sharpie)
  • 1 click counter (to track number of contacts)
  • Temp tattoos
  • 2 Welcome to Free Geek DVDs
  • 3 sticks of RAM
  • 3-4 heat sinks for biz cards
  • 2 motherboards
  • Donation jar
  • Donation receipt log sheets
  • Paper receipts for contributions
  • DBAN discs
  • Distro CDs
  • 1 zip drive box
  • Map of other Free Geeks
  • (New) Mailing lists signup sheet (11x17)

To Develop on Outreach Wiki:

organized by event-type (school event, Earth Day, etc.)

Where to table?

Here's a list of places we've staffed a table with some info so we can figure out if we want to do it again next year. Please use this format if you list an event:

  • Event name/Organization
  • Date
  • Who staffed the Free Geek table
  • Approx. how many people attended the event?
  • How many people did he/she talk to?
  • Should we do it again (be brutal!)?