Job Activities for John Ashcraft

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Job Title
Warehouse_support Staff

My major areas of work

I tend to float between duties and do what most needs doing in the warehouse. Of course I prioritize the task i am scheduled for, but it is very common for me to triage printers while on a recycling shift, or to be on the forklift for 20 minutes while the bulk buyer is here. This flexibility has allowed me to greatly expand bulk sales before my schedule was formally changed to include any sales admin time. The downside was of course that I was giving recycling less time then the schedule indicated.

Bulk Sales

[This is so deeply integrated with my normal printerland and recycling activities that it would be hard for me to personally seperatee them. I estimate that sales related issues take about 9 hours of my time/week. ]

  • Sorting and finding good stuff (includes emailing gentech with list of what we have waiting and recycling his rejects)
    • 1-2 hours / week
  • Coordination (emailing buyers, documenting procedures and issues, communicating with Brian)
    • 1-2 hours / week
  • Salesmanship (interacting with the buyers while they are here)
    • 3-6 hours/week for Gentech Surplus (printers, scanners, A/V, ink and misc items with e-bay potential)
    • 1 hour / week for TVs and phones
    • 0.25 hours / week for Rapid Refill
  • Data entry (logging sales, creating an invoice and sending it to gentech) - [Jake could do this in my absence].
    • 0.5 hours/week
  • Cleanup (preparing printerland for volunteers)
    • 0.5 hours/week


[Darryl does all of this as well]

  • Volunteer training and support
  • QC and swapping bins
  • Triage of incoming materials
  • Preprocessing printers and scanners with glass, toner, fluorescent bulbs.
  • Supervising and supporting interns that test printers.
  • Toner/ink management


[Darryl, Cliff and Liane each do this]

  • Volunteer training and support
  • QC and swapping bins
  • Advanced deconstruction
  • Advanced sorting

Glove Washing

[Could delegate or postpone]

  • Laundering & Hanging to dry
    • about 2 hours/month

Glasses Cleaning

[Hard to give a volunteer because it happens before we open]

  • Rinsing and drying safety glasses daily
    • 1.25 hours/week

Things I don't have time for

  • Integrating bulk sales with "sales"
  • Meetings related to sales or production (printer reuse)
  • Researching and documenting downstream recycling processes so that we can reevaluate our practices.
  • Developing a alkaline battery reuse program.
  • Testing more printers, for internal reuse or optimizing bulk sales.
  • "hanging out with" volunteers. it is nice to spend 20 minutes working at or near the table while discussing recycling issues with volunteers.

Other notes

  • I am unsure how best to log my hours for bulk sales related issues. I have traditionally used "printer admin", "Sales admin" and "printers" for time spent on bulk sales and sales coordination.