New Prebuild Instructor Training Checklist

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Complete this checklist as you train in a new Prebuild Instructor (intern or staff). This checklist was designed assuming that the new instructor has already gone through Prebuild as a volunteer (or has comparable hardware experience).

New Instructor's Name: _________________________________
Training Instructor's Name: _____________________________ Program Name: _____________________________ Required hours for program: _____________________________

New Prebuild Instructor Training Date New Instructor Initials Old Instructor Initials
Sign Volunteer Intern Contract
Passive Solicitation Policy: review, sign & file
Receive Prebuild Intern Contact Information
Discuss General Expectations for Prebuild Internship
Sign up for System Evaluation Coordination List
Meet Cynthia Prevatte, Prebuild Coordinator
Detailed tour of Prebuild
Detailed tour of warehouse
Teach the System Evaluation process to a volunteer
Power Supply Triage/Testing
Optical Drive Triage (for Build)
Optical Drive Testing (for Store)
Learn how to check systems on the cart and how to take it back to the warehouse
How to test a volunteer out
Opening/closing Tasks
Check out Hardware ID Facilitator's Guide
Shadow Hardware ID Instructor
Co-teach Hardware ID Class
Teach Hardware ID Class
Motherboard Test
Video Card Test
Ram Testing
Monitor testing
Processor testing
Network Devices Test