Bulk Buyers Info

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Welcome Bulk buyers to Free Geek

Free Geek has a great many computer related products to offer to you at a great value.

To start a relationship with Free Geek write sales@freegeek.org. We will need to know your name, business name, contact information. Be specific about your wants or needs.

A contact person for the specific area will contact you. Once you two have agreed upon a specific time and day to meet. Only show up at that time and day. If you show up on an unscheduled day you will not be helped.

Ask the front desk to page the contact person if they are not at the desk already.

Do not wonder around the facility with out an escort. Advanced shopping is not allowed.

Be prepared to pay that day. Free Geeks storage is limited. We will not hold an item for you until next time.

You are buying used equipment that has not been tested a lot of the time. There will not be any refunds.

If you do not abide by our requests or Free Geeks etiquette you will be asked to leave and possibly not return.

Any further questions please contact sales@freegeek.org