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When a person who is covered by our health care plan leaves Free Geek, either voluntarily or involuntarily, they are eligible for COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act) to continue their health insurance benefits at their own cost.

The procedure is different for people depending on the conditions of their termination.

What to do if a worker quits:

If the worker quits, then we must:

  • Provide the former employee with an offer to self-pay premiums on COBRA coverage for generally 18months.
  • Note the employee file of the date the offer was provided, send regular post or certified.


If employee declines the offer, we must:

  • Line out the employee to be terminated.
  • Write, “Please terminate coverage” next to the former employee’s name.
  • Write the date of employee’s terminated employment.
  • Sign and Date.

If employee decides to accept the offer, we must:

  • Provide your former employee with the generic enrollment form.
    • In “This section to be completed by employer” complete all areas. Mark Part I box: existing group: Part II box: COBRA
    • Then mail the original enrollment form to: Kaiser Permanente/ Northwest Region/ PO Box 921008/ Fort Worth TX 76121-0008

On our billing statement, we must:

  • complete membership changes page
  • Write the date of employee terminated employment.
  • Write “COBRA”effective date

What to do if a worker is involuntarily terminated:

If a worker is involuntarily terminated, we must: