Commit Cruncher

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The Commit Cruncher is a geeky little tool conceived by Tony and created by Ryan.

This is a first pass at creating a user guide for it.

It's a script that will alter a text file in a way that hopefully makes commits easier to track, leading to better minutes, better follow through and less work for the scribe.

How to get it

The script is installed on claws, and can be run from any terminal there, but it also can be downloaded for use on non-network machines, such as personal lappies.

How to turn on repo thing. Go to System > Administration > blah > blah

do this thing.

Add this to /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb freegeek public

Open a terminal and type:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y commit-cruncher

How to use it

While scribing

As scribe, take meeting minutes in a text editor, such as gedit, nano, or if you're a strange, strange person, vim.

New Commits

Anytime you get to a new commitment, type it as follows:

# Name will do blah.

The commit should:

  • Begin with a hash mark
  • Be a simple declarative sentence
  • Have its first word be the name of the person who is committing to do something.
  • Stand alone on a line. For complex commits, break them into single bits.

Older commits

Each time a commit appears in minutes, it should have an additional hash mark appended to it, such as

### Steve will do this thing CO

Many hash marks indicate a stalled, old thing.

When a commit has been completed, end the line with "done."

## Steve will do X Done
### Alix wil do Y done.

Notice periods and caps do not matter.

After the meeting, save the text file as minutes.txt (or something like this)

Running the script

To execute the script, open a terminal and navigate to the directory where the minutes.txt file is stored.

Then type:

commit-crunch minutes.txt


Here is example text of minutes to be crunched:

