Donor Desk Development

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Auto-generated facts and figures

  • Names of organizations that have received Hardware Grants in past 31 days
  • Numbers of volunteer hours contributed during the past month
  • Lbs of materials given to various recyclers (Lbs of e-waste diverted from landfills)
  • Numbers of computers that have been given to volunteers
  • Number of students who have taken classes
  • Number of active volunteers in 2012 (anyone who hit 3 volunteers hours during this year)
  • Number of active volunteers last month (anyone who hit 3 volunteer hours in past 31 days --as opposed anyone who is currently at 3 hours at the time of the poll)


  • Images of volunteers at work with their names (and time of service?)
  • Images from various Hardware Grants recipients
  • Images from early days of Free Geek
  • Images from tabling events

Why should I donate to Free Geek? (one page)

  • Volunteer education
  • Grants to community change organizations
  • Costs associated with recycling electronics waste
  • Robust internship program

Short testimonials

  • Volunteers
  • Hardware grants recipients
  • Class students
  • Interns

Other thoughts

  • Do we want to incorporate video?
  • How can we intersperse or include images to make numbers impactful?
  • Need model release form from Star Volunteers and people in pictures. For Star Volunteers should we create a sign-off sheet that allows for people to check off where we can display their information (newsletter, kitchen, front desk, social media, website)?