Exploratory Online Sales Position

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  • Wages are $11.55 per hour.
  • Length of job: 6 months
Work Hours
  • Part-time, 24-28 hours per week.
  • Four days per week or five shorter days, Tuesday through Saturday, 10:30am to 7:30pm, some evening or morning meetings, with some flexibility
To Apply
  • E-mail your resume and cover letter to jobs@freegeek.org.
  • Applications for this position are due by February 9, 2007.
  • Ideally, the selected applicant will start work on February 20, 2007.
  • Please note that apprenticeships are not a path towards full-time employment at Free Geek.

The Exploratory Online Sales Coordinator will determine if there is a significant and self-sustaining profit in online sales.


  • Organize the online sales area to maintain and increase workspace and efficiency
  • Accomplish online sales development including process refinement, documentation, and relevant outreach, taking into account the policies and mission of the organization
  • Locate items within Free Geek, test, and prepare them for online sales
  • Coordinate with volunteers to develop and enact new testing procedures
  • Create database for listing items online in an easily accessible manner
  • Research market trends to maximize sales of gizmos
  • Explore other underattended hardware and its possible reuse
  • Participate in relevant committees
  • Research new avenues of online sales, including potential vendors
  • Recruit volunteers to accomplish online sales, process refinement, documentation, outreach, and other appropriate tasks
  • Report to the Free Geek staff collective and community council at 3 and 6 months

Required Skills

  • Interest in and aptitude for online sales
  • Familiarity with computer components and their market value
  • Some familiarity with consensus process
  • Proactive, clear communication skills
  • Trustworthy and able to work unsupervised
  • Frugal or otherwise able/willing to work for our wages