Filing System

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Currently, all 10+ years of files are in the process of being audited and reorganized in a consistent matter. It's horrible. This page will tell you how you can help.


To create a hierarchy of documentation for those brave, brave people of Free Geek, present and future, who choose (or are forced) go to where (almost) no man has gone before--the dark, thrilling, brutal, and entirely unglamorous world of administrative organization.

There are, at present, four main places for files: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Admin, and a box where we stick Volunteer Intake Forms. But first,

How do I stick it, & where?

Folders are filed in alphabetical order and are suborganized by year. Documents filed in these folders are further organized by date. All filing by date is done in reverse chronological order (i.e., most recent in front, older in back. Ancient files (how old?) are moved to the archives.

===Reimbursements, receipts, & invoices=== are organized alphabetically by store; if a particular store or expenditure has three or more receipts in A/P, it gets its own folder. Otherwise, it is placed into its respective letter file. A/R has more finicky rules for placement, seen below.

For Files with Ambiguous Destinations:

  • f this world were the best of all possible worlds, a person could look at a file and know immediately where to put it, or need a file and know immediately where to find it. Unfortunately, that isn't the case. Ideally, we want to file things using the logical system of, "If someone were to look for this document, where would they search first?" and then place the document in that first place. In addition, also ask, "What is the most efficient way to file this document?" For example, printouts of staff hours could be organized alphabetically by employee, but for purposes of auditing and easy access it is more economical to keep them organized by month.

Accounts Payable

Currently the top drawer of the lockable filing cabinet in the Monkeyhouse. A/P is the place to put reimbursements and receipts.

Accounts Receivable
