LVM for dual drive installation

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1. configure BIOS for PXE boot

2. choose 10.04 32 bit install with no pre-configuration

3. for partitioning options, choose manual

4. set up the following partitions on the first drive (in order)...

  /boot - 300MB - ext4 - primary - at the beginning of the free space
  /     - 15 GB - ext4 - logical - at the beginning of the free space
  /root - 1.5 GB - swap -   n/a  - at the end of the free space
  /home - remaining space (ie. 23 GB for a 40 GB drive)

5. set up the following partition on the second drive...

  /home - use the entire available space

6. choose option to configure LVM

7. choose the option to create a volume group and add the /home partitions from both disks, name the volume group VGhome.

8. choose the option to create a logical volume and use the entire available space (ie. 63 GB for 2x40 GB drives), name the logical volume LVhome.

9. write partition changes to disk and continue.