Labeling and tallysheets for keeper systems
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All systems that are being kept need to have correctly marked labels. There are pre-printed labels that should be used when possible. The pre-printed labels allow you to circle most of the relevant data with a minimal need for writing stuff in. If these labels are missing, alert an evaluation coordinator and use a plain white label to clearly record the information.
Please fill out the labels as completely as possible. The sections on the label include:
- ID
- Write the Gizmo ID number from the receiving label in this field.
- Circle the number of DIMM slots on the motherboard.
- Circle the number of RAMBUS slots on the motherboard.
- DDRs
- Circle the number of DDR slots on the motherboard.
- Processor Type
- Circle the processor type (P-III, Celeron, Athlon, Duron, K6-2, K7) or write it in after "Other".
- Proc Speed
- Write in the processor speed. For speeds less than 1 GHz, "round off" the speed to the nearest number that ends in 00, 33, 50, or 66.
- If there are any ISA slots, circle ISA.
- If there are any PCI slots, circle PCI.
- If there is a AGP slot, circle AGP.
Put the pre-printed label on the front of the system (not on a drive bay cover, since those can pop out.
The information recorded on the label should also be recorded on the tally sheet.