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  • KBOO Wednesday Radiozine (2007) Staff member Shawn Furst and volunteer Michael Kaufman spoke with Michelle Schroder Fletcher about Free Geek and its great volunteer opportunities, and also talked a bit about Leo Westwind. (link to MP3 and streaming audio)
  • Welcome to Free Geek (2005 - short version) Marie Deatherage and Reverend Phil Sano created this video overview of our facility, program, and culture. Available in Ogg, Mpeg, and Flash versions. Look for the 12-minute version soon, or pick up a DVD at our thrift store.
  • Radio PSA This sweet 30-second piece was designed to be a radio ad. It's informative and will make you giggle. A nod of the head to Free Geek Vancouver, BC for this one! (.wav format)
  • Free Geek Street Fair (2005) Ed Stastny's video of our 2005 Geek Fair. Geek Fair is our annual street party celebrating reuse, recycling, our staff and volunteers, and like-minded organizations. (Flash format)
  • (2005)Free Geek founder Oso Martin speaking at City Club in the summer of 2005. (about 8 minutes, MP3 format)