NPA Example Job Description

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An example job

The Non Profit Apprenticeship (NPA) program at Free Geek is designed to provide capable individuals with relevant experience to succeed in the non-profit world.

At Free Geek, NPA jobs consist of working in Receiving (an area that they co-coordinate), Prebuild (system evaluation and hardware ID), and the Front Desk, working collaboratively to improve these areas. This means their current jobs would be described in roles such as these:

  • Receiving Coordinator Role (Receiving and Recycling)
  • System Evaluation Role (Receiving and Recycling)
  • Hardware ID Role (Volunteer Education)
  • Front Desk Role (Administrative Services)

NPA primary focus is coordinating the area of Receiving, which involves the following tasks:

  • Coordinate a large group of diverse volunteers
  • Apply knowledge of Ewaste practices in order to manage the flow of gizmos through the hardware donations area
  • Continuously evaluate work flow systems and processes to ensure that Receiving is running smoothly and effectively
  • Consistently train Adoption volunteers in basic intake procedure
  • Communicate with other departments to ensure that Receiving is well integrated with the rest of the organization

Additional or temporary responsibilities may include:

  • Initiate individual projects that relate to the NPA’s personal experience (i.e. community outreach, PR, and internal organization)
  • Facilitate and coordinate committee meetings such as NPA, Inreach, and Front Desk to evaluate and improve current processes.
  • Pickups (Receiving and Recycling)
  • Hiring (Administrative Services)