Processing Payroll

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Where stuff is

  • The staff worksheet lives in beancounters/payroll on the application server.
  • The binder holds hard copies of all horus reports from the database.
  • The payroll report comes from the database.
  • Paychex online.

Verify previous payroll

If it has changed, record adjustments in the staff worksheet as notes. Print a copy for posterity. Write "Adjustment" on it. Place in binder.

Prepare for this period

  • Check for new people on payroll.
  • Record new people in paychex online.
  • Check the staff worksheet for changes in hours.
  • Check the staff worksheet for changes in pay rates.
  • Check the staff worksheet for changes in PTO.
  • Record changes hours changes and PTO in database.
  • Record pay rate changes in paychex online.
  • Phone in PTO changes to paychex.

Process this period

  • Print payroll report for this pay period.
  • Highlight all PTO.
    • Compare with time off accrual report from last pay period.
    • Record the smaller number of PTO available from the time off accrual report and the amount from the payroll report. (This is what will be actually reported.)
  • Enter payroll report numbers (as generated by database) into paychex online.
    • Check to see if they match the payroll report. Fix.
  • Adjust PTO numbers as needed.
  • Add back hours adjustments as needed.
  • The staff worksheet should now reflect what will actually get reported to paychex.

Reporting payroll to paychex

  • Go online.
  • Select all workers.
  • Remove anyone who is not getting paid this period (i.e. subs with no hours worked).
  • Enter numbers from staff worksheet.
  • Save payroll and print a trial payroll report.
    • Check for sanity. Fix if needed
  • If PTO changes are needed, they can be phone in at this time.
  • Other confusing things may have surfaced. Check by calling paychex rep.
  • When all looks good, submit payroll.