Questions for end of life recyclers

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1) Are any materials shipped to a non-OECD country for disposal or recycling?

If yes:

1a) Please list the specific materials exported, the importing countries, and provide a copy of the export permit(s) received from the relevant government authority. NOTE: This is required by the EIHWHRM Regulations in Canada.

1b)What due diligence, if any, have you done on the receiving facility in the importing country?

2) Are any materials being shipped to OECD countries for disposal or recycling?

If yes:

2a) Please list the specific materials exported, the importing countries and companies receiving the material.

3) Are any materials sent to a local landfill, incinerator, or transfer station (either directly or through an intermediary, such as a disposal company)?

If Yes:

3a)What types of materials are disposed of in this way?

4) Can you provide a list of downstream vendors for us to check?

Please refer to this page for follow up questions about downstream vendors list.

If no:

4a) Why can you not provide us a list of your downstream vendors?

5) Does your company comply with all applicable State/Provincial/Federal regulations regarding: Zoning, Waste permits, Handling, and Business Licensing. Will you provide copies of these certificates/documents?

If no:

5b) Please explain why you do not have these permits/certificates, and/or why can you not you provide us proof of permits/ceritficates?

6) Will detailed manifests/bills or lading be provided by your company for the materials collected from us?

If no:

6a) Why not?