Questions for recyclers with reuse operations

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1) Are electronic devices and/or components from your facility or under your control shipped for direct REUSE to any other countries, either directly or through intermediaries, including web-based sales?

If yes:

1a) Are you testing 100% of the devices and parts to ensure full functionality prior to selling or donating for direct reuse?

1b) Please explain your process of testing, labeling, and documenting equipment and parts for functionality, including in-house operations and staff devoted to this function.

If no:

1c) Who are the recipients of all your equipment and/or parts sold or donated for reuse within *insert your country here*, and why do you believe they are staying in *insert your country here*.

2) Are electronic devices and/or components from your facility or under your control shipped for REFURBISHMENT to any other countries, either directly or through intermediaries, including web-based sales?

If yes:

2a) What types of equipment and/or components are shipped, in what condition, and to which countries?