Recommended reading

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Our Reccomendation

FreeGeek Reccomends The book "Ubuntu For Non-Geeks" from no-starch press. Copies are available in our thrift store or from various online retailers.

A preview of Ubuntu for non-geeks is available from google book search HERE

Free Books On Ubuntu

Moving to Ubuntu Linux By Marcel Gagné

The Official Ubuntu Book By Benjamin Mako Hill, Jono Bacon, Corey Burger, Jonathan Jesse, Ivan Krstic

Ubuntu Unleashed By Andrew Hudson, Paul Hudson

You can also buy a hard copy at sites like

Other Reccomendations

Free software free society By Richard M. Stallman (Available for download as a free pdf or purchase a hard copy)

Free as in Freedom By Sam Williams (Available for free online)

The Joy Of Linux by Michael Hall (Available for purchase from amazon)

Just For Fun, The Story Of An Accidental Revolutionary by Linus Torvalds -Creator of Linux- (Avaible for purchase from amazon)