Recycling Prep

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Whenever possible, could an Admin please remove this page?

We need to do the following before anything goes to the Recycling box, to make it safe to take apart and to keep good stuff.

  1. If you find a toner cartridge, do not attempt to remove it. Please notify a supervisor.
  2. If there is a black or color toner powder spill, do not attempt to clean it. Please notify your supervisor immediately.
  3. Save all network cards in a box on the Sorting table.
  4. Save all HP AC adapters that have colorful 3-pronged ends.
  5. If the device has number buttons, a scanner attached to it, is labeled a fax, or is very heavy, ask for help before proceeding further...
  6. Otherwise it can go straight to the Recycle gaylord.

Supervisors Only

  1. Only trained supervisors are allowed to process laserjets that have toner cartridges. No volunteers remove toner cartridges.
  2. Trained supervisors assist in the identification and sorting of machines that have either LEDs or fluorescent light bulbs. Machines that have fluorescent bulbs are either reduced so that the scanner and printer section are separate. The scanner section, or the whole machine in the case of a fax machine or machine that cannot be safely separated, will be taken to the fax machine gaylord at the street. The same rule of safe separation applies to LED scanners, except that whole LED scanners will be placed in the printer scrap gaylord.