Server Sales

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Below is a guideline for pricing and displaying information on servers.

Label Details

  • Processor details
  • Ram installed (size and type)
  • Ram slots available (number and type)
  • Drives installed (size and type)
  • Drive bays available (number and type)
  • Power supply (1 or 2? Wattage?)
  • Operating System, if any
  • Other drives and whether they've been tested.
  • (I think it may be worth it to actually test these, or at least use tested ones instead of what happens to be in there Tonyc)

Warranty Details

  • 14 day warranty for all hardware
  • Any operating system that is installed currently is there for diagnostic purposes only. We cannot provide any tech support for servers.
  • What to do if they have a hardware problem: If we cannot repair or replace the offending hardware, we will provide store credit for the purchase amount.