Spanish Build Documents

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This page has all the translations for the Spanish Build Program (charts, checklists, instructions, information...)

Documentación de la identificación de Hardware

Box A

LA METRA Darle al voluntario el conocimiento para reconocer y instalar las palitas de memria en la tarjeta madre.

RAM (or Random Access Memory) es una parte importante de la computadora. RAM es necesario para manejar los programas que se encargan de hacer los deberes necesarios mientras este prendida la computadora. RAM se compone de de It is composed of integrated circuit memory chips que dejan que se guarde y se accese la informacion en cualquier orden y en informacion that allow information to be stored or accessed in any order and all storage locations are equally accessible. Se puede deshacerse de la informacion en RAM para liberar mas espacio. as opposed to the Hard Disk Drive where the computer stores information for the long haul.

Memory sticks

RAM or Random Access Memory viene en dos tipos: DIMM and SIMM
DIMM (Dual In-Line Memory Module)
  • DIMMs suelen medir 5.25 pulgadas de largo y caben en las ranuras que tienen manijas de platico en los lados para sostener la memoria. Tambien hay un tipo de DIMM que solamente mide 2.5-2.75 pulgadas de largo que se llama SODimm. La memoria SODimm se utiliza en las laptops y computadoras pequenas.
SIMM (Single In-Line Memory Module)
  • SIMM es la forma mas vieja de la memoria que todavia se utiliza. SIMM mide entre 3.5 y 4.25 pulgadas de largo y es mas corto que la memoria se suele usar actualmente. Las ranuras para SIMM tienen manijas de metal en los dos lados para sostener la memoria.

Ejercicio En las tarjetas madres en la tabla de ejemplos, encuentre las ranuras para SIMM and DIMM para que sepa que puede identificar estas ranuras.



A stick of DDR has a single notch in it near the center of the stick.
Un módulo de DDR tiene una muesca en en el centro del módulo.

The newer DDR2 has a single notch that is slightly nearer the center of the stick, so it will not fit into a regular DDR slot

And the DDR3 stick also has a single notch on it that is slightly closer to the end than the DDR.



A stick of RAMBUS has two notches in it at the center of the stick.
Un módulo de RAMBUS tiene dos muescas en en el centro del palo.'



A stick of SDRAM has two notches in it, one near the center of the stick, and one closer to the side.
Un módulo de SDRAM tiene dos muescas, una cerca del centro del módulo, y otra cerca a un extremo del módulo.

72-Pin SIMM


72 pin SIMMs are 4.25 inches long. The holes and notches need to match exactly since there are other objects that look like 72-pin SIMM but aren't, so see points A (side holes), B (center notch) and C (side notch) in the picture.

30-Pin SIMM

30 Pin SIMM 30-pin-simm.png

30-pin SIMMs are 3.5 inches long. These are the oldest types of memory we still see on a regular basis in System Evaluation. Note that they do not have a center notch.

Exercise 1: Look at the example memory sticks and match them up with the following pictures and descriptions. Then,

Exercise 2: Try putting the sticks into their slots on the motherboard. Open the clips, match up the notches and install the stick into the grooves at either end. Press down on the stick until the clips flip closed by themselves around the stick. This tells you that the memory is properly seated into the slot so it can function correctly. IMPORTANT - YOU CAN RUIN THE RAM AND FRY THE MOTHERBOARD IF YOU DON'T DO THIS!!!

Box B
Box C
Box D
Box E
Box F

System Evaluation