Sparc, ultrasparc guide and their lesser clones
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- Systems with the SPARC to them
- First: know thy system
- The question is yours, which sun-microsystem-axel-sparc-clone do you have?
- Don't know? The best hint is on the front, if it says ultra on it then...
- yes it will be an ultrasparc! If that case is true, then your dealing with
- a 64bit processor, and will need to search for a sutiable,useable, and hop
- efuly community based operating system, or start your own. I recommand, gnu/
- Linux debian,
- prereqs
- yes computers have those..
- You should know the basics before starting a install on anything other then an
- i386, and even then when you install linux on a PC you do know how to use a mo
- nitor? it's as simple as that, using what is in front of you, keyboard, mouse,
- monitor, (maybe a little less of the mouse).
- other stuff to know
- WTF RS232, it's a type of connection, very programmable (*beyond scope of documentation)
- If you know what an' old printer cable looks like you could tell me what this port looks like.
- Like-wise for the old DB9 mice.(the ways of RS232 are dying and are beyond me, really)
- same boat? great.
- Now find a null-modem cable. hmm, what would one look like you ask? The truth, at least for me,
- Is that I couldn't tell you what one looks like, but I could go and find you one in recycling ^_^
- ( as a note, when cable diving in the cable been, pease do bring all the other good cables back to
- the top with you)
- you might need some adapters too.
- that cable looks better then my ascii art, but trust me it's way cooler then a real picture....
DB9---\ /---DB9 \___________________/ / \ DB25---/ \--- DB25
- yay!! are you with me... now use a searial connection program like screen, or minicom... I will use minicom for this document, because it is the one I know.. best.
- type minicom
- may the fun begain
you @ here $ minicom
- if you get a permission denied error, then be lazy and
you @ here $ su -
- now type
root @ here # minicom
- now on to the poor mans configuration for the minicom aplication for the task of installing,
- on this elucide piece of hardware...
Welcome to minicom 2.1 OPTIONS: History Buffer, F-key Macros, Search History Buffer, I18n Compiled on Oct 26 2005, 04:23:35. Press CTRL-A Z for help on special keys
- after you see this screen, press and hold Ctrl, tap 'a' then tap 'o'
- and you should see
lqqqqq[configuration]qqqqqqk x Filenames and paths x x File transfer protocols x x Serial port setup x x Modem and dialing x x Screen and keyboard x x Save setup as dfl x x Save setup as.. x x Exit x mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj
highlight "Serial port setup"
lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk x A - Serial Device : /dev/ttyS0 x x B - Lockfile Location : /var/lock x x C - Callin Program : x x D - Callout Program : x x E - Bps/Par/Bits : 9600 8N1 x x F - Hardware Flow Control : Yes x x G - Software Flow Control : No x x x x Change which setting? x mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj
make sure your setup looks like this one? if you know thy system, then set "A" to the port the null-modem cable is pluged into like "/dev/modem" or what ever link your O.S. uses.
once it's all set up
go back to the main menu for minicom, do so by pressing [ESC] a few times, until you see the first screen, then press CTRL-A z to open the main menu, but make sure you have saved the changes you made. exit and start minicom once more, after you set up the the app.