Ubuntu Basics

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Class Outline

Orientation to the Ubuntu GNOME desktop GUI

Using the File Browser

  • saving files to the Documents folder
  • creating new folders in the file browser
  • copy and paste (drag/drop) files from one folder to another folder

Using the gEdit text editor

  • creating and saving a simple text file.
  • save the text file to the user's Documents folder.
  • using the multiple tabs in gEdit to view/edit multiple text documents.

Key board hot-keys

  • copy/paste via Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V
  • cut/paste via Ctrl-X and Ctrl-V
  • switching between multiple running aps via Alt-Tab
  • logging off, shutting down, or task manager via Ctrl-Alt_Del

Using the Mozilla web browser

  • searching for sites via Google
  • saving bookmarks (e.g., creating bookmark folders)
  • using multiple tabs to show multiple websites

Creating a gMail account

  • using gMail (sending receiving email; creating contacts)

Using Evolution

  • what is Evolution
    • setting up your gMail account in Evolution
    • setting up your gMail calendar in Evolution

Instructions for the teacher