Understanding the Union Contract

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Presenters: Vagrant Cascadian, Elizabeth Swager
Date: Tue Feb 21 2012

The contract was proposed and voted on by BU Staff in July 2011

$UNION == Communication Workers of America

Article One - Recognition, Responsibility and Respect
Defines who is and who isn't in the Bargaining Unit
Frames spirit of interactions, focused on mutual respect
Article Two - Management Rights
Defines management rights and what is or isn't bargained for
Changes can be made to the contract if both parties (Mgmt & BU) agree to reopen negotiations
Article Three - Committees
Defines requirements for participation in committees
Participation in committees unrelated to job description is determined by DPPs
Article Four - Categories
Defines worker categories
All staff job descriptions need to fit under the categories listed here; otherwise negotiations need to be reopened
Management Track Opportunity?
Article Five - Shifts and Vacancies
Defines standard work week, breaks, and schedule postings
Schedules are posted by Wednesday, one week in advance
Schedule changes can occur last minute to account for absences if announcements/notifications are made to affected parties
Coming in on scheduled half days?
Provisions to refuse last minute schedule change?
Add to negotiations
Interim policy in the meantime
Job vacancies are posted to BU staff before being publicly posted
Article Six - Administrative Time
Defines admin time requirements
Full-time = 2.5 hrs/week
Part-time = 1.5 hrs/week
Requests for more admin time are to be submitted to management (DPPs or other staff)
Admin time taken to cover floor shifts?
Over time can be taken to fit in admin time
Scheduled overtime should not happen (with rare exceptions)
If it happens, notify management/schedulers/DPPs
What is admin time?
Broad definition is offered
Checking e-mail/correspondence
Committee work?
If scheduled admin time is not sufficient, submit schedule request or speak with management
Article Seven - Seniority
Defines metric for seniority
Applies to all job descriptions, excepting Collective positions
Article Eight - Training and Moves
Defines trainings and corresponding logistics, and moving to new work areas
Requests to new work areas are submitted to DPPs, who will respond within two weeks from date of request
Denials require a stated reason
Article Nine - Holidays
Defines paid holidays and rules for their implementation in the schedule
NPAs, Temps, and Regular workers are offered paid holidays
Article Ten - PTO
Defines rates of accrual for PTO, and procedures for requesting PTO
Article Eleven - Wages
Defines wages and raises based on seniority,
Management reserves the right to offer bonuses with notice to the union
Wage Re-openers can be brought to the table up to 5 weeks before the anniversary of the effective date of the CBA
Article Twelve - Benefits
Defines benefits package
Investment committee?
Article Thirteen - Discipline and Discharge
Defines discipline and discharge procedures
Discipline and discharge occurs With Cause (stated reason)
Article Fourteen - Union Security
Defines notice of Union in job postings, closed shop
Article Fifteen - Payment of Union Dues
Defines procedures for paying Union dues
Article Sixteen - Union Representation
Defines Union Representation and roles of Union Stewards
Article Seventeen - Right of Employee to Union Representation
Defines right of Union Representation
All BU staff are afforded the right to representation during disciplinary/investigatory meetings
Can be stewards, coworkers, or any outside party
Article Eighteen - Grievance Procedure and Arbitration
Defines Grievance Procedure and Arbitration in the event that the CBA is breached or unfair labor practices
Phase 0 - Informal notice (Communication!)
Phase 1 - Manager (Response within 10 days)
Phase 2 - DPP (Response within 10 days)
Phase 3 - Board appoints Grievance Designee (Response within 10 days)
Phase 4 - Arbitration
What constitutes a formal grievance to necessitate invoking Article 18?
Burden of responsibility for invoking Article 18? Implicit? Explicit?
Article Nineteen - Federal, State and Local Laws
States that any part of the contract that may be in conflict with Federal, State, or Municipal laws will not void other parts of the contract that are compliant.
Article Twenty - Non-discrimination
Defines non-discrimination provisions
Article Twenty-One - Layoffs
Defines downsizing and layoff procedures
Management reserves the right to determine which areas should be affect by layoffs, and BU staff seniority determines which workers are subject to layoff
Laid off employees can be put on a Recall list in the event that organization has openings available again for which the employee is qualified
Article Twenty-Two - Amendments
Defines procedures for implementing amendments
Article Twenty-Three - Workplace Safety Advisory Committee
Defines role and necessity of Workplace Safety Advisory Committee
BU can select two representatives to this committee, outside of
Article Twenty-Four -- Performance Reviews
Mandates worker Job Descriptions, Evaluations, and Evaluation Process
Article Twenty-Five - Calculation of Hours
Defines standard weekly hours and calculation of hours
Article Twenty-Six - Duration
Defines the length of the contract (2 years)
Effective date: 20 July 2011