Welcome to Printers

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Questions? Look for people wearing red clips

Anyone wearing a red clip is a veteran in this area and knows where things are and what's going on. Watch them. Please ask them questions. Please ask us all lots of questions.

Please keep in mind that if you're asking a technical question about something unrelated to printers, if may be more effective for us to interrupt you and ask a clarifying question or to change the subject all-together. We use this method because we find it ultimately answers questions more quickly, effectively and is better for everyone's sanity. Please don't be put off or offended by it. We are not the internet, but we're trying our best to help.

Help yourself to tools, gloves and goggles

These area located above the wall with the number "1" and "2" signs. The tools are hanging on magnets. There should be four different screwdrivers. Please rubber-band your tools together at the end of the shift and put them back. Rubber-bands are in a box next to the gloves and goggles.

Only work on machines from the "Recycle" box

Don't know where that it? Ask someone with a red clip.

Follow the white-board over the scrap box

The white-board, the one over the "Scrap" box next to the number "3" sign, explains basically how we take things apart and what we keep. To know where things go exactly, how they need to be sorted and cleaned up, please ask either a supervisor or someone wearing a red clip.

Help clean up

At about 15 minutes until the end of the shift, please throw the printer you're working on back in the "Recycle" box. Small metal, plastic and wire scaps can be swept up and put in a cardboard box that is reserved for miscellaneous stuff. That way we don't dump small stuff into the scrap box.