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Hi, my name is Michael McCall. I'm currently a builder, and an adoption teacher. I'll be spending time around Free Geek full-time during the summer.
== about me ==
Dates when I'm not here will be posted soon.
(Hopefully soon to be a command line and build instructor too!)
hey... <br />
i'm michael...
=== what i used to do ===
*i used to be an [[Adoption Program|adoptor]]
**i got the 24-hour computer and everything
*then i was [[Build|builder]]
**build six computers and everything
*Then i was an [[FreekBox Adoption Class|adoption teacher]]...
i have no idea what i am now though.
=== what i do now ===
*i do [[ASS|ass]] work
*sometimes i work at the [[Front Desk|front desk]]
*i teach [[Build|build]] a bit..
*work on here on the wiki...
*give a [[Tour Howto|tour]] every once in a while...
and that kinda stuff.
== pages/links ==
=== fg-rpg ===
*the [[FG-RPG|free geek rpg]] is awesome
*[[Template:RPG Char|make]] a [[Character Creation|character]]!
*[[:Category:RPG|other stuff]] about the fg-rpg
=== in my userspace ===
*my [[User:Inhuman/scratch|scratch page]]
**and my [[User:Inhuman/ascii|ascii art]] scratch page
**your [[Sandbox|scratch page]]
*wanna play some [[User:Inhuman/tictactoe|tic-tac-toe]] with me?
*or just wanna [[User talk:Inhuman|talk]]?
=== people ===
== finished ascii art ==
|||||||||///  _  |
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    (_> (__>
=== random art ===
  ___  /oo\
<_  |  \  /
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  |____|  |\ |
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    ___|  |
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    <_)  |____)
{{RPG Char
| name = Inhuman
| title = Pyrotechnic
| race = Punk
| major = Socialization
| minor = Coding
| goal = Fun
| align = organic software libre
| personality = Reformer
| inventory = wallet, knife, altoids, pen
| followers = 20
| hours = 12
| tickets = 3
| gremlins = 4
| quirks = On hardcopy
| conflict = Good
| schmooze = Execellent
| consensus = Mediocre
| working = Execellent
| combatdance = Good
| find = Fair
| gaming = Superb
| transport = Fair
| answering = Good
| savvyness = Good
| disaster = Execellent
| intarweb = Good
| morale = Fair
| coping = Execellent
| selfesteem = Fair
| teaching = Fair

Latest revision as of 23:09, 10 July 2007

about me

i'm michael...

what i used to do

  • i used to be an adoptor
    • i got the 24-hour computer and everything
  • then i was builder
    • build six computers and everything
  • Then i was an adoption teacher...

i have no idea what i am now though.

what i do now

  • i do ass work
  • sometimes i work at the front desk
  • i teach build a bit..
  • work on here on the wiki...
  • give a tour every once in a while...

and that kinda stuff.



in my userspace


finished ascii art


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(X) /\ (X)
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   (_> (__>

random art

 ___   /oo\
<_  |  \  /
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  |____|   |\ | 
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       |   ||____)
    ___|   |
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   <_)  |____)

My FG-RPG Character

Character Name: Inhuman
Title: Pyrotechnic
Race: Punk
Major: Socialization
Minor: Coding
Goal: Fun
Alignment: organic software libre
Personality: Reformer
Inventory: wallet, knife, altoids, pen

Free Geek Logo
Followers: 20
Hours: 12
Tickets: 3
Gremlins: 4

Quirks: On hardcopy

This is a FG-RPG character
Create your own character, and join the fun!

Conflict Resolution: Good
Schmooze: Execellent
Consensus: Mediocre
Working: Execellent
Combat/Dance: Good
Find: Fair
Gaming: Superb
Gizmo Transport: Fair
Answering: Good
Tech Savvy: Good
Disaster Awareness: Execellent
Intarweb: Good
Morale: Fair
Coping: Execellent
Self-esteem: Fair
Teaching: Fair