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Reward for staff and volunteers often comes in the form of personal empowerment and palpable positive impact on peers. Free Geek staff and core make efforts to recognize individual contributions with praise, while coordinating social and community celebrating events such as movie nights and BBQs.
Reward for staff and volunteers often comes in the form of personal empowerment and palpable positive impact on peers. Free Geek staff and core make efforts to recognize individual contributions with praise, while coordinating social and community celebrating events such as movie nights and BBQs.
  4.9.9 Founding Entrepreneurs
  4.9.9 Founding Entrepreneurs
[[category: FG Vancouver]]
[[Category:Long Term Planning]]

Latest revision as of 16:39, 4 June 2009

Executive Summary

The information technology revolution has had manifold benefits, but it has also given rise to two serious problems.

First, computers manufactured today have a very short life cycle. Many computers are deemed obsolete within two years and discarded. In recent years, the Greater Vancouver Regional District has buried 20,000 tonnes of computer and electronic waste(e-waste) annually. Traditional methods for the disposal of computer equipment release dangerous toxins such as lead, chromium and mercury into the environment.

A second problem stems from the rapid advance of computer technology: because many people lack access to this technology, they are left behind, without basic computer skills. As technology becomes ever more pervasive, those without computers find it increasingly difficult to access opportunities from employment to communication.

The concept behind Free Geek is to use these two problems to solve each other. By sharing a little knowledge of computer mechanics, a significant portion of the electronic waste bound for landfills can be refurbished into working starter equipment for individuals and organisations who may not otherwise be able to buy these items. Volunteers are trained to help process the diverted computers for reuse or recycling, receiving one of the refurbished computers in exchange for their efforts. Ultimately, it is possible to safely recover over 99% of the materials in computer equipment through reuse and recycling, thereby greatly reducing e-waste's negative environmental impact.

The result is: computer equipment is re-used rather than discarded, while members in a variety of communities gain both valuable job skills, computers, and access to the opportunities afforded by technology. It is a win-win situation for everyone involved, as summed up in the Free Geek mission statement: Free Geek recycles used technology to provide computers, education, job-skills training and access to the Internet to those in need, in exchange for community service.

Table of Contents

1 General Company Description


2 Products and Services	5
2.1 Computer Recycling	5
2.2 Computer Adoption	5
2.3 Computer Building	5
2.4 Computer Education	6
2.5 Computer Lab 	6
2.6 Computer Hardware Grants	6
2.7 Computer Thrift Store	6
2.8 Movie Prop Rental and Sales	7
3 Marketing Plan	8
3.1 Market Definition and Opportunity	8
3.2 Competition and Other Influences	8
3.3 Marketing Strategy	10
4 Operational Plan	12
4.1 Materials Intake	12
4.2 Facilities 	12
4.3 Labour 	13
4.4 Production 	13
4.5 Service and Support 	14
4.6 Recycling 	14
4.7 Distribution 	15
4.8 Protections	15
4.9 Management and Organization	17
4.9.1 Board of Directors	17
4.9.2 Staff	18
4.9.3 Core Volunteers: Collective Management	18
4.9.4 Free Geek Community Council	19
4.9.5 Workgroups	20
4.9.6 Staff Selection	20
4.9.7 Duties	20
4.9.8 Incentives	21
4.9.9 Founding Entrepreneurs	21
1 General Company Description

Free Geek is a non-profit community technology centre. The primary goals of Free Geek are to provide technology to those who need it, while reducing the environmental impact of waste electronics. It serves low income individuals, computer hobbyists, non-profit organisations, IT professionals, and waste management companies, as well as environmentally-conscious consumers. Free Geek Vancouver's operational model was adapted from the highly successful model of the first Free Geek organization, founded in Portland, Oregon in 2000. Free Geek Portland currently has 14 employees, a 15,000 square ft facility, and an annual budget of $500,000 USD. There are currently seven Free Geek organisations in the United States; Free Geek Vancouver is the first Free Geek in Canada.

The Free Geek model differs significantly from other non-profit technology groups in the following aspects. First, it directly involves the recipient of a free computer in the process of evaluating, dismantling, and refurbishing the computer, providing valuable experience and empowerment to the volunteer while helping to support Free Geek's operations. Second, Free Geek's use of Free and Open Source software enables the use of cutting-edge software and operating systems without the cost or encumbrance of proprietary licenses, while extending the life of older hardware with more efficient, more stable software. Third, by offering educational courses and opportunities for skill-sharing, Free Geek enables volunteers and computer recipients to remain involved in Free Geek's operations and community, contributing to the success and growth of the organisation. Fourth, Free Geek takes a sophisticated view of technological issues and community needs; it cultivates an international perspective through alliances with organizations such as the Basel Action Network, while maintaining robust connections with regional environmental, industry and local community networks. This enables Free Geek to raise its profile, manoeuvre in the marketplace more effectively, and bolster its appeal to a wide citizen base.

Free Geek Vancouver began operations in Vancouver, British Columbia in November, 2006 and moved into its 2000 square ft community technology centre in June, 2007. Operations are supported by volunteers, numbering about 135 and growing. Volunteers recently started satellite Free Geek clubs on the nearby campuses of Simon Fraser University and the University of British Columbia to engage Vancouver's large student population. Since moving into the community technology centre, Free Geek has received and processed approximately 7 tons of electronic waste, and 2 individuals have earned free computers for themselves. We have provided hardware grants to eight non-profit organizations.

While Free Geek is currently seeking financial assistance to cover operational costs, Free Geek's goal is to ultimately be financially self-sufficient.

2 Products and Services

Free Geek's primary service is offering free or low-cost computer hardware to the citizens of Vancouver. In addition, Free Geek offers a range of free educational programs and courses to develop technological skills from beginners to professionals. All of these products and services are offered in an inclusive, safe, and welcoming space without discrimination based on income level, ability, gender, orientation, background, or any other factor. While Free Geek is occasionally able to offer high-end systems, most items are at least 2 years old; however, they are still sufficient for the average user's needs, such as word processing, Internet, entertainment and so on.

Outlined as follows are the key services Free Geek provides:

2.1 Computer Recycling

Computer donations are Free Geek's exclusive source for computer hardware, for both equipment provided to the community and for Free Geek's own infrastructure. Free Geek's central location offers downtown business, local residents, and those served by Vancouver's transit network easy access to computer recycling. To date, Free Geek has already received and processed approximately 7 tons of donated hardware, and filled eight grants for local non-profit groups.

Besides donations, the recycling program has created two revenue streams. So far, about two-thirds of customers need to dispose of monitors; Free Geek charges a $10 disposal fee for each donated monitor. This fee covers costs associated with the responsible environmental disposal of unusable monitors. Second, as part of the recycling process, non-repairable and obsolete equipment is broken down into base materials, such as steel, aluminium, and copper. These commodities will be sold to recycling partners. Free Geek aims to recycle as locally as possible, in conjunction with organisations maintaining the best possible environmental practices.

2.2 Computer Adoption

Free Geek's Adoption program allows individuals to receive their own computer system in exchange for work in Free Geek's shop. During their time at Free Geek, volunteers work in three basic areas: receiving, recycling and testing. In receiving, they learn to identify hardware and become familiar with the use of the mouse and keyboard by testing them. In recycling, volunteers learn how computer components fit together. Testing teaches volunteers how to insert and remove components from computers, and how to run diagnostic software. After completing 24 hours of work, volunteers receive their computer and participate in an introductory class on computer use. Technical support is made available to them on an ongoing basis.

2.3 Computer Building

This program is Free Geek's most technically demanding. As the name suggests, the Build program creates all the computers needed for Free Geek's other programs. Volunteers are taught how to build computers working exclusively with used parts. The tested hardware is assembled into standardized desktop computers that are then loaded with Free/Open Source operating systems and applications software. Each system passes a quality control test before it is released to an adopter or non-profit. In exchange for the more detailed training necessary to begin this work, volunteers in the Build program agree to complete six computer systems. After completing six systems, volunteers are invited to keep the sixth computer for themselves. The remaining five computers are distributed into the community through the Adoption and Hardware Grants programs.

2.4 Computer Education

The education program's motto is: "If we give someone their first computer, we need to teach them how to use it." Introductory classes on computer use form the core of a curriculum that includes computer building, Linux command line basics and advanced computer programming languages such as Perl and Python. Free Geek's classes are taught by experienced volunteers. The teachers work together to organise classes and curricula to support each of Free Geek's program areas. Education is ongoing for volunteers, from the moment they enter Free Geek's doors to long after they receive their computer systems and have them set up in their homes. Taking classes, volunteering time, and gaining hands-on experience with computers are all excellent resume building skills for those looking to increase their chances for employment. Courses take place at Free Geek's on-site computer lab.

2.5 Computer Lab 

Free Geek has a 14-workstation computer lab; in addition to Free Geek's own educational programs, the lab is available for use free of charge by local groups or teachers wanting to hold workshops. The computer lab provides free Internet access and use of open source software applications to the public during operating hours. Free Geek also provides a free local wifi hotspot for volunteers.

2.6 Computer Hardware Grants

While Free Geek's first priority is building and supporting the systems for distribution to volunteers through the Adoption program, extra systems and other hardware are granted to other non-profits and social change organizations in the Greater Vancouver Regional District. The grant request process is simple and involves simply filling out an online form. Thus far, on average, grants are filled in about two weeks. Grants to date have ranged in size from a single system to a fully networked lab of eight computers. A non-profit may also choose to sponsor an individual who is unable to participate in the Adoption Program.

2.7 Computer Thrift Store

Free Geek receives more equipment than can be redistributed efficiently. In addition, equipment donated does not necessarily arrive in equal amounts (i.e. approximately 10 good keyboards are donated for every usable computer). Thus, surplus equipment and other donations that have some retail value, but do not meet program requirements, may be sold through the Free Geek Computer Thrift Store. Such a store allows individuals to purchase cheap computers if they cannot participate in our other programs; moreover, it fills an important niche for computer hobbyists and clientèle in the manufacturing industry, both of whom require rare older parts no longer available in stores. By selling surplus equipment, Free Geek further works toward putting working, usable equipment back into circulation. The Free Geek store also sells various products such as t-shirts, mugs, stickers, and craft items made from recycled computer parts. The thrift store is a vital part of the Free Geek financial strategy for self-sufficiency.

2.8 Movie Prop Rental and Sales

Vancouver has a vibrant film industry which occasionally requires older computers for use as props. Free Geek sets aside older, rare computer systems; it organises them by era and offers them as rentals in much the same way as a film industry prop house. Free Geek's systems are gutted to reduce weight and toxicity, but the original exterior appearance is unmodified. Parts are inventoried by year of manufacture.

2.9 Future Planned Services

Free Geek has a number of services currently under development:

Computer Donation Pickups Free Geek relies on individuals to bring their donations to its warehouse, but has occasionally arranged pickups in unique circumstances. Offering a paid pickup service is currently being investigated. Pickups would be performed by either truck or via bicycle trailer. Bike trailer pickups have thus far shown to be particularly attractive to environmentally conscious clients, and are extremely efficient for small to medium-sized pickups. Free Geek is currently working on a system to tie such pick-ups to carbon footprint offsets.

On-site Immediate Data Destruction Free Geek already preforms on-site data destruction as part of its donation intake process. Free Geek is investigating expanding this aspect of its services and determining a fee scale.

Data Retrieval Free Geek is investigating a data retrieval service for individuals who require low-cost assistance with damaged hard drives.

Museum Free Geek retains unusual or vintage hardware for educational and esoteric purposes. Even tally this hardware will be on display to the public in its community centre.

Field Trips Free Geek has been approached by schools and university professors to allow tours and field trips of its facility.

3 Marketing Plan
3.1 Market Definition and Opportunity

Free Geek will direct its efforts to serving citizens, businesses, and non-profit organizations in Vancouver, BC, in both the disposal of unwanted old computers, and in providing refurbished computers for free or at low cost.

Free Geek has determined that the most effective way to market is through high-profile Internet and media exposure, direct engagement of the public at community events, engagement of the student population through on-campus student clubs, building alliances with other non-profit organisations, and networking with local technology enthusiasts and industry professionals.

Free Geek's primary target markets are as follows: People in need of free or low-cost computers (students, low-income families) Environmentally conscious citizens and businesses, interested in reuse and/or responsible recycling Citizens and businesses who wish to dispose of surplus computer equipment and may or may not be environmentally conscious People in need of specialized or esoteric parts and equipment (e.g. hobbyists, machinists, film industry)

Free Geek's operations model and marketing plan comes from the first Free Geek in operation, which began in Portland, Oregon in 2000. Since then, Free Geek Portland has grown rapidly, and today employs 14 full-time staff and over 2000 part-time volunteers. In 2006, they processed nearly 20,000 computer systems, and had sales revenues over $200,000. Their annual budget is $500,000 USD. Vancouver and Portland are similar markets and thus there is likely to be similar supply of unwanted computers and demand for refurbished systems.

3.2 Competition and Other Influences

Free Geek can expect to face competition from two key areas: other computer re-sellers and refurbishers, and the provincially electronic recycling program. A discussion of both areas follows.

As mentioned previously, the computer resale market is becoming highly competitive. There are a number of companies, some non-profit and some for-profit, currently operating in the Vancouver area. These companies range in size from small operations to very large operations and may or may not focus entirely on electronics. The resellers are often more well-established than Free Geek, but are usually connected with a different market than Free Geek's target markets.

The provincial program represents competition for supply of used hardware, a vital component in Free Geek's operation. While the provincial program has a larger advertising budget and presents a more convenient disposal option to citizens, it has no provision for reuse of working hardware. Citizens who wish to see working hardware diverted away from waste streams are seeking out reuse organizations such as Free Geek. Due to Free Geek's high profile regarding its policy of transparency and articulated consumer advocacy, individuals and organisations are coming to consider Free Geek to be a more trustworthy option. However, Free Geek will face significant challenges in positioning itself as a valid alternative to the provincial program, especially to those citizens who are unwilling or unable to do the extra work necessary to bring their hardware to Free Geek.

Due to Free Geek's unique perspective, networking and high profile, its membership has been asked by the Environmental Stewardship of British Columbia (ESBC ) and the Recycling Council of British Columbia (RCBC) to participate in the development of a re-use certification standards that would augment the current provincial plan. The other participants are few, and include the City of Vancouver, the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD), and Computers for Schools. It is such influence on the evolution of the recycling industry practices and policies that indicate Free Geek's insider position.

3.2.1 Competitive Edge

Free Geek is only reuse recycler in this market to use Free and Open Source software; outgoing computers have a Linux distribution called Ubuntu installed. Free and Open Source software is up to date, actively maintained, easier to use than Windows, and invulnerable to all known viruses, malware, and spyware. Bug fixes and patches in the Free and Open Source community are renowned for their speed and efficiency compared with proprietary software. Because this software includes source code, allowing it to be modified, Free Geek is able to actively tailor most software it uses, increasing efficiency. In addition, Free and Open Source Software is not as demanding on systems as proprietary software and thus can be run on older systems, enabling Free Geek to reuse a larger percentage of hardware than its competitors can. For example, Free Geek assembled its computer lab from 10-year old computers that would otherwise be considered obsolete; Linux was used to add thin-client support, making lab terminals as fast as an average home or office computer.

Most non-profits offering free refurbished computers offer outdated operating systems, resulting in a frustratingly slow user experience and virus inundation. Due to the efficiency of Free and Open Source software, Free Geek's systems operate just as fast or faster. Since a distribution of Linux is used, they remain free of viruses; additional software is freely available and updatability from the Internet.

Competing resellers offer older computers with out-of-date versions of Windows, which are often no longer supported, or they charge a fee for software packages. Even new versions of Windows are prone to viruses, malware, and spyware, and suffer from artificial bloat and planned obsolescence. Free Geek offers more affordable computers with free operating systems and free software packages.

Free Geek has a strong commitment to transparency, especially as it pertains to the final destination of recycled computer components. Lack of transparency in this industry is increasingly perceived negatively by environmentally conscious citizens, in part due to efforts by the Basel Action Network, which exposed the large-scale dumping of electronic waste in poor communities overseas, a process in which some North American recyclers played a prominent role. Free Geek is well-positioned to be the most environmentally responsible computer re-use option in the Vancouver area (see Marketing Strategy).

The recipients of Free Geek computers receive training in the use of their computers. In addition, these recipients, along with all volunteers, are invited to ongoing weekly workshops to extend their knowledge and skills. Free Geek is the only computer reuse centre to also offer educational programs. Because Free Geek presents itself as a community centre, facilitating skill-sharing and making resources such as the computer lab available to the public, it furnishes a dynamic, social, supportive environment that provides a constant supply of new volunteers, while building and retaining a familiar talent pool.

3.2.2 Price Competition

Prices in Free Geek's computer thrift store are approximately 30-40% lower than comparable competitor prices for used systems. Free Geek is able to achieve these savings through use of volunteer labour and reliance on hardware donations. In addition, citizens may obtain computers at no cost by participating in the adoption or build programs, thus providing the necessary volunteer labour.

3.3 Marketing Strategy

Free Geek's primary marketing strategies include community outreach, media, engagement with the IT sector, and environmental activism.

3.3.1 Community outreach

The Free Geek model is designed to directly engage its community. Free Geek's volunteers are active at a number of community events, such as festivals, eco-fairs, and trade shows. At these events, Free Geek volunteers directly engage citizens, many of whom fit Free Geek's target demographic of environmentally conscious citizens. Free Geek's hardware grant program for other non-profits increases Free Geek's visibility among community leaders, who in turn spread awareness about Free Geek to the general public. In addition, Free Geek's membership is quite diverse, from a variety of backgrounds, and are thus able to reach a number of different communities. Satellite Free Geek clubs have already been started at Simon Fraser University and the University of British Columbia by Free Geek members also affiliated with these institutions.

3.3.2 Media 

The Free Geek model has always generated a lot of public and media interest due to its direct engagement with the community. Free Geek is increasingly known as an organization that represents the community's best interests. Free Geek has been profiled in a number of print and online magazines, including The Westender (circulation 61,000), Business in Vancouver (circulation 60,000), Momentum Magazine (circulation 15,000), Tooth and Dagger (circulation 3,000), and others. Furthermore, because Free Geek Vancouver is the first Canadian Free Geek operation, national media coverage has followed in other cities. Examples include three appearances on CBC radio, and an interview with Le Telejournal.

Free Geek's national profile will grow as new franchises appear. Free Geek Vancouver has already been contacted by individuals wishing to start their own local autonomous Free Geeks in Calgary, Toronto, Montreal, and Nanaimo. Support for the proliferation of the Free Geek model is extensive: materials and information for starting up new Free Geek operations are freely available on the Free Geek website. Seven other Free Geeks have started in this way since the founding of the original Free Geek in Portland, Oregon in 2000, including Free Geek Vancouver.

Free Geek receives extensive exposure through on-line media sources, which will be discussed in the next section.

3.3.3 IT sector and Web Presence

Free Geek's advocacy of Free and Open Source software makes Free Geek popular among the software development community. Free Geek maintains relationships with technology professionals who influence purchasing and disposal decisions at both their respective companies and among the general public. Also, the IT sector perceives Free Geek as an extension of the IT community, and professionals gravitate toward Free Geek as an avenue through which to express social, environmental and philanthropic spirit.

Free Geek is closely allied with industry professionals through such organizations as the Vancouver Linux User's Group (VanLUG), composed mostly of Linux professionals; SocialText, a wiki company and provider of enterprise Web 2.0 solutions; and Bryght Studios, a software development group.

These groups provide Free Geek with search engine optimization strategies, volunteers, hardware donations, software expertise, and thrift store sales. Due to Free Geek's skill at search engine optimization, it has been able to ascend very quickly past older rivals to take a higher Internet marketing share. People affiliated with these groups regularly blog about Free Geek's activities, again raising its profile and Google ranking.

Free Geek's has been profiled in exclusively on-line publications, including feature articles on Linux.com (3,000,000 page hits daily) and The Tyee (150,000 unique visitors/month). Its online prominence has also partially resulted from online republishing of stories released in conventional media outlets, and publicity for events it has participated in.

3.3.4 Environmental activism

The Basel Action Network (BAN) is the world expert on the transnational movement of hazardous waste, particularly computer waste; they have been instrumental in raising global awareness of this trade and also in working with governments and industry to reform toxic abuse in developing nations. BAN's support of Free Geek's activities confers enormous credibility and has raised Free Geek's profile to the point where Free Geek is one of the strongest Canadian voices speaking out about the problems of e-waste smuggling and the need for reuse and responsible recycling.

In British Columbia, e-waste has recently entered the public consciousness due to recent provincial legislation regulating e-waste recycling. To this end, Free Geek recently held a movie night and forum with Sarah Westervelt of BAN to engage citizens of Vancouver in discussing current pressing e-waste issues in the province.

Free Geek is well-positioned to comment on these issues and will continue to advocate transparency, responsible recycling and particularly re-use. For those citizens who agree with the environmental advantages of re-use, and expect their e-waste to be disposed of responsibly, Free Geek will be the obvious choice.

4 Operational Plan

Free Geek Vancouver's operational plan is based on that of the original Free Geek in Portland, Oregon, which has evolved over the last seven years into a large, successful non-profit enterprise.

4.1 Materials Intake

Free Geek's operations rely on a steady supply of hardware donations from which the stock of reuse computers is built. There is a very large supply of unwanted and/or obsolete equipment in the Vancouver area. All computer-related hardware is accepted, working or not, of any age. There is no charge, except for a $10 fee per CRT monitor to cover anticipated costs of monitor recycling. Since beginning operations in November 2006, Free Geek has processed approximately 7 tons of donated hardware, including about 350 CRT monitors.

Donations are accepted either on a small scale or in large batches. About one donation in fifteen is a larger corporate donation, but these donations make up about half of the total volume of donations. Free Geek actively searches out new sources of hardware donations; for example, Free Geek has an arrangement with British Columbia's Computers For Schools (CFS), another local computer reuse organization, wherein surplus stock is exchanged. Free Geek has provided surplus monitors to CFS in exchange for hardware unsuitable for school deployments but acceptable for Free Geek's reuse program.

Free Geek has run three hardware drives to accept donations at locations around Vancouver. It has also begun soliciting hardware donations from computer stores, manufacturers and related businesses. Contact with environmentally-conscious organisations, such as green architecture firms, has been particularly fruitful. Longer-term plans include corporate contributions from telecommunications providers, increased solicitation from hardware manufacturers, and increased alliances with charitable associations and foundations, such as the Rotary Club and YWCA.

Donations are brought to the receiving area of Free Geek's workshop, where they are processed as follows: - Donation is itemized - Cash donations and monitor fees are accepted. - A receipt is provided if requested. - Data is immediately destroyed in front of donors if requested; otherwise hard drives are segregated in preparation for data destruction. Hard drives under 5 GB are physically destroyed; over 5 GB they are wiped and overwritten before they are booted up. No warranty is offered or implied; donors are encouraged to wipe their own data if they have significant data concerns, or to contact Free Geek to arrange onsite data-wiping in advance. - Donated items are transferred to the relevant evaluation or recycling areas.

4.2 Facilities 

Free Geek Vancouver's operations are based out of its 2000 square ft workshop located in East Vancouver at 117 E 2nd Street, near Science World, where it has been located since June 2007. The location is close to SkyTrain and mainline bus routes, and well-located to serve both downtown Vancouver and locations east and south of downtown. The facility is open Tuesday through Saturday, from 11a-6p, except Thursday, when it closes at 3:30pm. Free Geek expects to increase its hours in future. The Free Geek facility also hosts evening events such as workshops, classes, and staff meetings.

The facility includes a receiving area, workshop space to support evaluation, testing, and building of reuse systems, storage for recyclable parts, a 14-station computer lab to host workshops, a computer thrift store with storefront access, and lounge and office space. The workshop is accessible to the differently-abled, who actively advise Free Geek in improving accessibility infrastructure.

Rent for the facility is $2000 a month, with utilities included. Other expenses, including insurance, phone, and others, total approximately $500 a month.

In addition, Free Geek maintains an extension of its facility online, including a dynamic website, wiki, mailing list with publicly accessible archives, and a real-time messaging system open to the public. Web hosting is donated by a member of Free Geek's board of directors.

4.3 Labour 

Computer recycling is labour-intensive business, since computers must be manually disassembled. Free Geek's volunteer programs attract a large base of volunteers which provides a low-cost labour force that other organizations cannot match. Free Geek's day-to-day operations are run by its coordinator and a small core group of dedicated volunteers (see Structure and Management), with a casual volunteer workforce currently numbering about 160 individuals registered in the Free Geek database.

Free Geek's only paid employee is its coordinator David Repa, whose salary is currently being deferred until the organisation's income has grown. Many volunteers donate their time because they strongly identify with Free Geek's mission and want it to succeed, or because they value the experience and enjoy the activities they participate in. Others volunteer as part of the adoption program, where they receive a computer in exchange for 24 hours of work in the shop, or as part of the build program, where they receive a computer after building six computers.

A network of thousands of dedicated volunteer software developers in the Free and Open Source community develop and maintain the software used by Free Geek.

4.4 Production 

Donated stock is converted into refurbished computers through our build program. Hardware moves through the following stations: Evaluation 1 (Eval 1): Computers are initially assessed. Disk drives and cards removed and places in sorted bins for later use in recycled systems; hard drives sent to data destruction. This is an initial evaluation; very old computers (processors slower than 600Mhz) are sent to disassembly. Evaluation 2 (Eval 2): Computers are hooked up to a testing station with working monitor and keyboard and powered on to determine processor speed and memory. Very old or nonfunctioning computers sent to disassembly. Disassembly: hardware not suitable for reuse is disassembled into its component parts (metal case, power supply, motherboard, etc.); these parts are stored in large boxes for later recycling. Monitor test: Monitors are hooked up to a testing station, where they display a test pattern for one hour before being certified as operational. Data destruction: disk drives are erased using DBAN, a software program that erases data using US Department of Defense standards. Build: new systems are assembled using sanitized disk drives, RAM, video cards, network cards, CD drives, monitors, keyboards, and mice. The most up-to-date version of Ubuntu (Linux) is installed with Free and Open Source software applications including Internet browser, office software, graphics editors, and many other applications. Currently installation is CD-ROM based, but network-based installation is planned for the future.

4.5 Service and Support 

Users who are interested in learning more about Free and Open Source software and how to use it effectively are encouraged to attend Free Geek's weekly “Windowsless Wednesday/Linux Clinic” workshop series. Free Geek volunteers provide instruction and answer questions. Attendees at these workshops are encouraged to stay involved at Free Geek and help instruct less experienced future attendees. This event also provides people opportunities to install Linux, upgrade their computer with hardware from the thrift store and have it installed for free.

Hardware sold in the thrift store is provided as-is with no warranty and no liability, with the option of a trade-in within 30 days if the hardware fails unexpectedly. Non-profit and volunteers who have received computers through the grant, adoption, or build programs are offered continuing technical support so long as the computers are still running the original Free and Open Source software.

4.6 Recycling 

Free Geek is committed to a policy of Zero Waste, and is continually searching for new recycling partners with less environmentally sensitive and more sustainable recycling practices as they become available. Free Geek also develops strong relationships with materials handlers with a mutual desire to follow sustainable practices. Free Geek is currently auditing a number of recyclers for various materials.

Those parts of computers that have been tested and deemed nonfunctioning or not acceptable for reuse are recycled. Computer recyclables are divided into the following categories: Flat wire Round wire Motherboards Light and Heavy circuit boards Power supplies Keyboards and mice CRT monitors Disk drives Printers and scanners Plastics Steel Aluminium Copper Floppy disks, CDs Paper (e.g. manuals, CD packaging)

Currently, steel is sold to North Star in Vancouver, while paper goes to Urban Impact. All other materials are currently kept in storage until recycler audits have identified appropriate recyclers. Currently, Free Geek has an agreement with 36 Zero Waste Group, a recycling company established in Alberta and which aims to be fully operational in Vancouver by Fall 2007.

4.7 Distribution 

Computers are distributed through volunteer programs, hardware grants, and the thrift shop.

4.7.1 Volunteer Programs 

The volunteer programs are designed to allow individuals to earn a free computer in exchange for their labour. The work they do is both necessary to Free Geek's operations, and educational for the volunteers. There are two programs: the adoption program, and the build program. In the adoption program, a computer is earned after 24 hours of labour. In the build program, volunteers work at the build station (see Production in this section) assembling computers; a computer is earned after assembling six systems.

Both programs began running recently and have been growing fast. So far four computers have gone out through the adoption program, since beginning in July. In a typical week, about 30 to 45 volunteers are active, with about twenty people on a waiting list. More detailed statistics including volunteer-hours per week are being tabulated and should be available in the near future.

4.7.2 Hardware Grants 

Free Geek has a hardware grant program to provide computers at no cost to non-profit and social change organizations local to the greater Vancouver region. Grants are filled as the hardware becomes available. Currently, 12 grants have been filled, with an average wait time of about one to two weeks.

4.7.3 Thrift Store 

Surplus hardware is made available for sale in Free Geek's computer thrift store, located on-site. The store fills an important niche for computer hobbyists and/or business owners who may require rare older parts no longer available in stores; moreover, it allows individuals to purchase cheap computers if they cannot participate in volunteer programs. By selling surplus equipment, Free Geek further works towards putting working, usable equipment back into circulation. The Free Geek store will also sell various products such as t-shirts, mugs, stickers, and items made from recycled computer parts.

In its first month of unadvertised operation, thrift store revenues were about $300. It its second month, after prominent advertisement on Free Geek's website, revenues tripled to about $1200.

4.8 Protections

All software Free Geek uses, installs and contributes to is free to download, install, use and update. Much of it falls under the GNU General Public License (GPL), under which software can be shared and modified at will, as long as subsequent users can enjoy the same freedoms by having immediate access to the source code.

4.8.1 Insurance, Liability, Regulations

Free Geek has third party Liability Insurance ($2,000,000 with $1000 deductible); and will be implementing Directors Insurance in the Fall.

All goods and services are offered without warranty nor liability, on an as-is basis.

Free Geek's staff is covered by Workers' Compensation Board (WCB) regulations, subject to the Workers Compensation Act (WCA), Occupational Health and Safety Regulations and associated guidelines.

Free Geek's safety procedures are designed and implemented by our Occupational Health and Safety workgroup, as laid out by WorkSafeBC. A culture of safety-consciousness and prevention is promoted. Volunteers participate in a mandatory safety orientation before they may begin work.

Free Geek adheres to all municipal, provincial and federal laws relating to waste management and recycling. As an active member of the Recycling Council of British Columbia, it is currently working with industry NGOs and municipal authorities to develop guidelines for re-use/recycling organisations in British Columbia.

Free Geek was incorporated under British Columbia's Society's Act.

Free Geek is also committed to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, as well as its Amendment. Principles include not shipping to non-OECD countries and not using prison labour. http://www.basel.int

4.9 Management and Organization

Free Geek is democratically run in a non-hierarchical way that is open and transparent to all participants in its programs. Its volunteers help shape Free Geek and determine its priorities and practices.

Free Geek operates using a form of consensus; while decisions may occasionally take longer to make, they tend to be more efficient in the long term, bestowing more agility and participation in implementation, requiring less revisiting, and leading to higher investiture in decisions.

It is a highly structured model, with guidelines and formats for managing meetings, facilitating discussions, resolving conflict, and reaching decisions. Thus, general membership sets overall policy and vision, and a number of working groups involving both staff and volunteers develop and maintain its programs.

Free Geek's ability to reflect and respond to community concerns is therefore innovative, resourceful and profound.

4.9.1 Board of Directors

Free Geek has a Board of Directors, who are three in number and unremunerated. They provide for the legal and financial oversight of the business and affairs of Free Geek, and exercise all the powers of Free Geek as provided by the law and Articles of Incorporation. Directors are subject to restrictions imposed by the Act, the Articles of Incorporation, and Free Geek Bylaws. Free Geek currently has an interim board; new directors will be chosen by the Community Council at the Free Geek Annual General Meeting in November.

Free Geek's current Board of Directors:

4.9.2 Staff

Free Geek's current staff:

4.9.3 Core Volunteers: Collective Management

As a consensus-based, initiative-based organization, Free Geek's leadership is defined by core volunteers who take an active role. They come from a diverse background and bring a wide variety of skills and experience.

Free Geek's core volunteers include:

4.9.4 Free Geek Community Council

The Free Geek Community Council is assembled from members of the Free Geek community. The function of the Council is to provide general guidance and vision to Free Geek. This includes both short term and long term vision and goals. The Council normally meets on a monthly basis, at the Monthly General Meeting, and meets to elect members to the Board at least once per year. The Council does not have the authority to act for or on behalf of the Board.

During Monthly General Meetings, individuals volunteer to undertake certain roles, in order to facilitate the consensus process: Facilitator – facilitates the consensus decision making process, keeps order Regulator – assists the Facilitator, keeps a Speakers List, ensures that everyone is heard Scribe – takes meeting minutes Minutes checker – checks meeting minutes Presenters - speak on particular topics

4.9.5 Workgroups

Free Geek policies and implementation are generally handled by focused workgroups. These groups meet regularly, and also communicate within their own mailing lists. When topics are controversial, relate to other workgroups or to Free Geek as a whole, the topics are brought to the General Council for discussion. Meeting minutes and mailing list archives are open to the public.

There are 14 workgroups within Free Geek:

Governance: Bylaws, policy and governance structure Communications: Public relations, fund raising, outreach, event coordination Education: Developing curriculum and teaching skills; designing and facilitating workshops Volunteer Coordination: Organising and scheduling volunteers, overseeing communication with Adoption and Build volunteers, maintaining positive and supportive environment for volunteers Content: Website development and public content, administration of mailing lists and wikis Systems Administration: web and server administration, information security Hardware Grants: Hardware Grant application evaluation and coordination OHS: Occupational Health and Safety Operations: Free Geek facility operations and logistics, accessibility Software: Database, distributions (software versions), development Recycling: Auditing prospective materials handlers and recycling partners, materials optimization FG-SFU: Free Geek satellite at Simon Fraser University FG-UBC: Free Geek satellite at the University of British Columbia Human Resources: staffing, conflict resolution, employment policies, employee/volunteer evaluation. This group has closed archives/mailing lists and meetings for discretionary purposes.

4.9.6 Staff Selection

Staff are nominated by the General Membership and affirmed by consensus therein, subject to approval by the Board of Directors. Starting wages are equal for all employees as set by the Human Resources workgroup, and are also subject to approval by the Board of Directors. Training takes place on the job, via shadowing and informal apprenticeship. Staff and volunteers are encouraged to both peer-teach and pursue the development of new skills.

4.9.7 Duties

Key responsibilities are articulated within workgroups or by staff; their implementation is undertaken by self-selected individuals. Workgroups may also call on individuals outside their groups for assistance. Contentious issues are taken by workgroups to the General Membership and the Board of Directors for further discussion.

4.9.8 Incentives

Reward for staff and volunteers often comes in the form of personal empowerment and palpable positive impact on peers. Free Geek staff and core make efforts to recognize individual contributions with praise, while coordinating social and community celebrating events such as movie nights and BBQs.

4.9.9 Founding Entrepreneurs