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=Initial Thoughts=
{{Policy Header
| PolicyName = Staff Discipline Policy
| notes = http://lists.freegeek.org/pipermail/minutes/2012-March/001293.html, http://lists.freegeek.org/pipermail/minutes/2012-March/001290.html
This should include escalating steps designed to deal with problems before they get out of hand, and if necessary, bring problems to a satisfactory and fair resolution without trampling on anyone's rights.
One such step is the formation of a [[Resolution Committee]]
Free Geek's Disciplinary Procedure will be used only when necessary and as a last resort. Where possible, informal and/or formal counseling will be used to resolve matters prior to any disciplinary action being taken. The procedure is intended to be constructive rather than punitive but recognizes the fact sanctions must be applied in some circumstances.
'''These principles apply to discipline of bargaining unit employees and staff collective members. However, this particular procedure applies to the discipline of staff collective members.'''
There should be an escalating series of steps that begin with stuff and end wtih more stuff.
A collective member can discuss any part of this policy with any other member of the Staff Collective. They can help clarify an employee's rights as well as give guidance and support where it may be needed. Every individual has the right to representation at any point during the disciplinary process.
What are the reasons we would activate this process? (Many of these overlap.)
This Procedure is to be maintained independent of any Procedures for performance review.  
* Job performance.
This Procedure is an interim solution, designed to provide needed clarity regarding discipline issues in a manner consistent with Free Geek's current structure and culture. It strives to balance the need for transparency, fairness, effiency and due process. As an interim policy, this policy's execution and effects should be reviewed occassionally by both the Staff Collective and Board, and the policy should be amended, replaced or abolished as the situation demands.
* Repeated tardiness or absence, especially without adequate warning.
* Stealing.
* Violation of Free Geek policy.
* Physical or verbal abuse towards another staff member or volunteer.
* Illegal activities.
* Bringing firearms onto the premises.
* Falsely stating or making claims of injuries or illness.
* Sexual harassment.
Individuals should talk to the person to avoid this process.
N.B. Nothing in this policy may usurp any party's legal rights, including the right to bring legal proceedings where appropriate.
# Talk to the person to raise issues and get their side of the story.
==Procedure For Formal Discipline & Investigation==
# Talk to the person as a delegation of the HR committee and create a written agreement.
# Form a resolution committee to deal with the issue and consider termination of the staff member.
=[[Resolution Committee]]=
The procedure for discipline is a five stage policy starting with counseling and moving through a series of verbal and written warnings before ending with the possibility of demotion or dimissal as a last resort. It is intended that this be followed sequentially, moving from one stage to the next only when it is clear that a staff member has been shown not to have met a clear set of expectations set in the previous stage. Exceptions are to be made only in the case of Gross Misconduct when, at a Department Point Person's discretion, they may start at a later stage as they consider appropriate.
This piece might go in this document:
At each stage, excepting dismissal, care must be taken to record in writing:  
* An RC may recommend to the staff collective that a staff member be terminated. In this case, the reason for termination must be specifically described and the decision must be considered by the whole staff collective. The person under consideration for termination must be able to speak, but is not allowed to block the decision of the larger group. The person under consideration for termination may choose a representative, either a third party or another member of the staff collective to speak on his or her behalf as well.
*the reasons for the action taking place
*the expectations that have now been set for the employee
*what are the next steps to be taken by employee and Department Point Person
*when the expectations are to be reviewed.
=From other collectives' policies=
It is important that the expectations set meet the S.M.A.R.T. criteria of being Specific, Measurable, Appropriate,  Realistic and Time-bound.  Wherever possible, Department Point Persons should work with staff members to arrive at a mutually agreed upon set of expectations and time  scales.
Looks like this is a 4-step process.
===Procedure for Performance Improvement (of dept. or individual)===
Department Point Persons have a clear duty to consider whether they have any personal involvement, or whether any conflict of interest might arise. If so, they must bring the matter to the attention of another Department Point Person and hand the matter over to them.  
This procedure happens if a dept. or individual is clearly failing to meet  
Staff members have the right to have a work colleague attend any disciplinary procedure with them and to consult that person in private. Staff members may request this at any time before or during a meeting. When such a request is made, the Department Point Person must delay any meeting until the work colleague has arrived and has time to consult privately with the staff member or end the meeting. Though counseling is considered informal, it should still meet the criteria set within this policy - i.e., it needs a written record and a set of clear expectations to be agreed upon.
the expectations of its/his/her job description.
- The Coordinating Team (CT - don't have a really good definition for this
Department Point Persons have the right to bring in others in order to aid them in investigating the matter and deciding on the course or outcomeThey are strongly advised to do so if they have any doubts or questions about anything. At the first opportunity, they should gather evidence and take statements from witnesses and/or the staff member's supervisors or co-workers and prepare a written report.
group) or a representative of the team meets with problem worker and  
identifies concerns
- Worker has a chance for rebuttal/clarifications
- Written plan developed for performance improvementThis includes a time
to do a check-in.
If the 'problem worker' is someone on the CT, the committee that meets with
him/her/finds a solution is made up of the CT minus the 'problem worker' plus
one or two from other teams.
- There's check-ins, and if things don't go as planned, the CT can repeat the
Prior to any formal disciplinary measure being undertaken, a Department Point Person has a responsibility to resolve any issues through informal counseling, where appropriate. Counseling is a non-punitive measure and may come at the request of a staff member as well as a Department Point Person, with the clear understanding that such a request will not have any effect on any subsequent disciplinary measure or performance review, or the conditions of employment in any way.  
talk/written agreement process or go on to the "Formal Concern Process".
===Verbal Warning===
===The Formal Concern Process:===
The first step after counseling is the verbal warning. It is appropriate when it is necessary to take action against a staff member for minor misconduct, or where improvements sought through counseling have not been forthcoming. Despite the name, it is important that a written record is kept and provided to the staff member. They are at the discretion of Department Point Persons and may not be blocked. There is no appeal of a verbal warning, but staff members have the right to have a statement entered into their personnel files if they wish to dispute anything.
This procedure happens when a staff member hasn't met performance
When issuing a verbal warning, Department Point Persons should arrange to meet with the staff member to discuss the  matter and set expectations. They should be warned that failure to meet these expectations, or repetiton of the misconduct, may lead to further disciplinary action. A copy of the written record must be given to the staff member within seven days of the disciplinary action, and a copy filed in their personnel files. A copy must be also be sent to all other Department Point Persons for review.  This procedure is to be followed in all subsequent stages.
expectations from the process above, violated a policy, or threatened the  
security of the coop.
- CT investigates and reviews policies.
Verbal warnings expire after 6 months, as explained below under section "Time Scales/Terms of Expiry".
- CT or representative talks with 'problem worker', careful to explain policy
and that this is the Formal Concern Process.
- CT meets with worker regarding the concerns
- Worker has chance for rebuttal/clarifications
- CT decides what to do next if there's any new info
- If the process continues, they write an Improvement Plan, which has more
detailed requirements than the written plan above.
- The Worker tells the rest of the staff what's going on
- The concern goes into the Worker's confidential file
===It seems that there's another step in the process===
===First Written Warning===
if there's another problem/the Worker doesn't follow the improvement plan.  The CT basically runs step 2 again.
The next step of the disciplinary procedure is the first written warning. It may be issued in a number of circumstances:
===Getting really close to termination: Final Concern Process===
* as a second stage after a verbal warning if the expectations documented in the written record have not been met at the end of the specified review period or if there is a re-occurrence of the misconduct within six months.
* where the offense is of a serious nature that falls short of Gross Misconduct, and where a verbal warning is not appropriate. 
* where the recurrence or accumulation of offenses will lead to more severe disciplinary action, for example persistent absence without explanation.
If another disciplinary action is warranted within a 36-month period, this  
First written warnings expire after 12 months. They may be appealed by the staff member to the relevant body as described under the "Appeals" section. The staff member must be informed of this right at the meeting with their Department Point Person.  
process starts up, and can lead to termination.
- CT investigates
Department Point Persons should follow the same procedure as verbal warnings and must submit a copy of the written record to all other Department Point Persons for review. If there is consensus among them (excepting those who have a direct involvement or another conflict of interest) they may retroactively revoke the written warning and refer the matter back to the originating Department Point Person. The other Department Point Persons have a duty to consider the fairness, appropriateness and consistency of other Department Point Persons' actions and should use this power to ensure these.
- CT goes to Worker and lets them know where they're at in the process (the
dreaded Final Concerns part)
- CT meets with Worker and outlines the concerns
- Worker has chance for rebuttal/clarification
- CT listens, and decides what to do next
- If CT continues, it makes a recommendation to the rest of the staff of what
to do next. They can also have a special meeting as long as everyone can
attend.  Everyone decides what to do (Worker in question can't block).
- If they all keep the Worker, then another improvement plan is written and  
it gets put in the Worker's file.  If they decide to terminate, the process
They can bypass steps if the concern is serious enough.  If this happens, the
===Final Written Warning===
Worker goes on suspension for a couple of days while they figure out what to
This looks like it's a few steps over and over: investigate, meet, make
Final Written Warning is the last stage in the Disciplinary procedure before demotion or  dismissal takes place. It is used when:
written plan.  Four timesOr more.  Or less.
* A staff member engages in Gross Misconduct that falls short of the need for instant dismissal
* A staff member persists in minor misconduct that has already been the subject of a First Written Warning.   
Like a first written warning, it may be appealed by a staff member and is subject to a retroactive block by a consensus of the other Department Point Persons.
A Final Written Warning expires after a period of 18 months.
This one's a bit simpler.  When a Citybikes (CB) policy has been disregarded,  
A Department Point Person may recommend dismissal or demotion of a staff member if:
the observing party/ies should:
* Prior attempts to address the situation at all appropriate lower levels have failed
* The situation is one of Gross Misconduct, deemed by the Department Point Person to supercede less severe steps
- Immediately talk to the offender and ask that the behavior stops
If the recommendation is not overridden by consensus of the other Department Point Persons, the staff member is given notice of the recommendation and placed on paid administrative leave for five business days. This leave is meant to serve as a cooling off-period, giving the staff member a chance to prepare for and file an appeal of the recommendation or to tender their resignation. This period also gives the Department Point Person time to consider and reflect on the situation before making a decision of such consequence.
- If no change, consult another worker. If the other worker agrees that
there's a policy breach, also asks offender that behavior stops.
- If still no improvement, report is made to personnel coordinator or review
sub-committee, which, if they agree that policy has been broken will meet
with offender to arrange sanctions.
Sanctions go like this:
The staff member may appeal the recommendation, according to the Appeals procedures outlined below. If the first appeal is unsuccessful, the recommendation continues on to the Staff Collective as a whole. The Staff Collective as a whole, excepting those who have a direct involvement or another conflict of interest, makes the decision to accept or reject the recommendation.
1st violation - offender suggests sanctions agreeable to the committee
2nd - Committee suggests further sanctions agreeable to the offender
3rd - General Meeting (includes all staff) determines further sanctions
4th - leave of absence or dismissal
Non-owner can be terminated by a majority vote of all owners.
If the Collective as a whole fails to reject the recommendation, the recommendation is carried out, and the staff member is either dismissed or demoted in accordance with the recommendation.
Owner can be terminated by a vote of 80% in favor.
==Some questions==
A decision to demote results in the staff member being placed on an additional five business days' administrative leave. During this leave, the Collective must present the staff member with the specific terms of the demotion, including:
* New job status/description, if applicable
* New reporting/oversight arrangements, if applicable
* Any changes in compensation, including benefits
* Any other terms or conditions that have changed as a result of the decision
* Notice that any further repetition of the issue will result in Dismissal
A decision to dismiss results in the immediate termination of the staff member. At this time, the staff member is to receive written notice of the decision, explicitly including the steps to undertake a final appeal to the Board of Directors. Steps regarding end-of-employment procedures are to be carried out, as established, at this time.
Check 'em out, make suggestions for changes or additions, etc.
==Time Scales/Terms of Expiry==
The steps of the Discipline Policy are meant to be corrective, not punitive. Each step in the process involves a clearly stated time frame, during which repeat failure can trigger movement to the next step in the process. Escalation of the disciplinary procedure occurs only on repetition or failure to address a specific problem or closely related matters.  
The time frame for each step increases with severity, as defined here:
What I'm trying to find out:
*Verbal Warning -- 6 months
* What about an organization leads to successful dealings with staff issues?
*First Written Warning -- 12 months
* Is there something that could be changed about our structure/policies that would help us avoid staff discipline issues altogether?
*Final Written Warning -- 18 months
* Once discipline is needed, what's the most humane and effective way to do it?
This term is defined for each step of this procedure, and is to be communicated to the staff member as part of the written record.
* What works well about your procedure?  Why?  Describe a time when it worked well.
* What doesn't work well?  Why? Describe a time when it didn't work very well.
* Does it feel fair for the participants?  If not, why not?
* Why did your coop decide to give the procedure the structure it has (CB is more direct, Peoples' works through the CT more)?
* What changes would you suggest to your coop's discipline procedure?
* Review process help avoid staff discipline issues? 
* What else helps aviod staff disc. issues?
* Reviews: signed or anon?  What's better?
:Sounds great - the key in finding help/suggestions lies in the difference between Coorporate America and Collectives. If we talk with Coorporate America, it may not fit our needs. -- Kathie
If no further incident is recorded, at the conclusion of the time frame, the infraction is considered resolved, and the incident is to be removed from the staff member's personnel file, in accordance with [Personnel File Policy]. Once expired, the matter is considered resolved; any further infraction would be treated as a new incident.
* Does it feel fair for the participants?  If not, why not?
Goals and expectations set by a staff member and his/her Department Point Person should involve their own time frames, to allow for adequate scrutiny within the review process. These time frames are independent of those set by the Discipline Procedure. Achievements and improvements may be noted, even if involving prior misconduct or failures from beyond the time frames defined here. But disciplinary steps may not compound based on behavior/performance that would be considered expired as defined in this policy.
* Suggestions to cut down on the us vs. them mentality?
==An interview==
==Consecutive/Concurrent Warnings==
The steps of this policy are meant to address serial failures around similar issues. It is possible for a staff member to have multiple, consecutive disciplinary actions regarding separate issues. These are to be addressed independently.
Hey.  I interviewed Lori of Peoples' on Wednesday the 10th of November and
Harriet and Noel today.  I wanted to get some notes down of these two
Staff members have the right to appeal disciplinary actions, as follows.
meetings before the info disappears from my brain.
You might want to review the original summary (redux is indeed not the right
A staff member may have a coworker of their choosing attend hearings as an advocate.
word) of the policies that I made a couple of days ago:
Comments, questions, etc. are good things.
A staff member will have the opportunity to attend the appeals hearing, and to directly address the appeals body; however, all information to be considered will ideally be contained in the written appeal.  
Deliberations are considered an Executive Session, open only to the members of the appeals body; however, the the decision is to be provided to the staff member directly, in writing, and maintained as part of the written record.
===Makeup of Appeals Panels===
The HR Administrator or any current member of the HR Committee shall be ineligible to serve on an Appeals Panel at any time.
Peoples' has lots of methods of feedback. Lots.  To understand a little bit
When an Appeals Panel is needed, one should be selected based on random chance of three or four Collective Members who have not yet had any role in the matter or any other conflict of interest. A quorum of three panel members is needed to make any decision.
about some of their methods, I gotta talk a little about structure.  They
have about 6 standing committees (they call them 'teams').  Each collective
position includes duties on at least one team - preassigned.  For example,
part of the development director's job is to serve on the Coordinating Team. 
The Coordinating Team (CT) is the committee that deals with most of the
discipline issues.  I think there's 4 or 5 people on it (including Lori).  
Discipline procedure (Performance Improvement and Concerns):
If at any point the appropriate appeals body is not available (due to lack of quorum, vacations, illness, recusal or any other circumstance that necessitates it), that appeal is channeled directly to the Board of Directors, and the Board will name one or more designees to either round out an existing, short-handed panel of Collective members, or to form an ad hoc panel to serve in a manner consistent with this policy.
It seems I was a little wrong in how their procedure works.  I said it was 4
It is assumed that Department Point Persons will not participate in appeals, as they will almost certainly have interacted with each proceeding already. However, if circumstances allow (e.g., a DPP returns from extended leave), it is possible for them to serve in such a capacity, provided it is their first contact with that specific incident.
steps that all seemed very similar.  In reality, the first step, Performance
Improvement, is a lot lighter than the others.  Kind of like a "We notice
there's something up, what's going on?" sort of step.  The concerns process
is more serious, and happens after the PI part. 
Not in the policy doc is one step in the concerns process: the CT, when
they're going into the process, will hand the worker a written document that
outlines the concerns.  She said that the wording of the document can make or
break the feeling of fairness of the process.
Something else left out of the documentation is the fact that a third,  
neutral party can come to every meeting involved in the concern process (not
for Performance Improvement - it's not serious enough yet).
She emphasized more than once that speaking to the individual (one on one)
is encouraged and works best to avoid using the discipline procedures a lot.
She also said that the part of the discipline process that helps the
disciplined worker through the process works well. This is the part where
some people from the coordinating team sit down and voice the
concerns/problems, let the worker talk and clarify, they find a solution/next
steps together, and make a written plan that goes into the worker's permanent
record or not depending on whether it was a PI or a concern.  There's a
check-in after a period of a few months in any case, and she thought this was
something that added to the success of the procedure.
Another thing she thought was a good idea is limiting the size of the group
that talks to the disciplined worker.  They have 1 CT member, 1 witness, and
the worker at the concern meetings.
Peoples' workers make a lot of goals for themselves.  There's lots of goals
for the disciplined worker that come out of their discipline procedures (the
written agreement's got 'em).  They work consciously to make a measurable
outcome for each goal.  This could be 'come to work on time 3 months
straight' or 'be more open and responsive to feedback' or whatever.
Problem with discipline process:
===First Appeals Panel===
It can be hard to keep up the process at times.  Check-ins tend to fall by
This panel communicates and convenes on ad hoc basis, as required. It may be asked to consider:
the wayside every once in a while.
* appeal of a First Written Warning
Some others in the collective have a hard time because the members of the CT
* appeal of a Final Written Warning
haven't been elected onto that team, yet they always are the ones giving
* appeal of a recommendation for demotion/dismissal
discipline.  Serving on that specific committee is part of each member of the
CT's job description, and there's no rotating off to another team.  Lori
qualified the structure by saying that the entire collective is involved in
making decisions on discipline issues (I forgot to ask where the whole staff
is empowered to make decisions on the process other than the choice to
terminate or not).
===Second Appeals Panel===
This panel communicates and convenes on ad hoc basis, as required. It may be asked to consider:
* appeal of a Final Written Warning
Reviews and other forms of feedback:
===Board of Directors===
An appeal regarding a Collective decision to demote or dismiss an employee may be appealed directly to the Board of Directors.
The Board may:
* consider an appeal as the full Board
* appoint a subgroup of Board members to hear the appeal
* appoint an one or more outside designees to hear the appeal
* appoint any combination of the above, as they deem fit in accordance with this policy
Reviews for individuals happen once a year for each collective member. 
In the interest of maintaining a transparent and fair procedure, it is expected that the Board adopt a strategy for assigning designees prior to facing an actual appeals situation. The mechanics of deciding appeals remains fully at Board discretion, but it should be consistently applied.
There's a series of about 20 statements that each staff person rates the
reviewee 1 - 5 on, and all the numbers are averaged.  There's also a section
for 'does well' and a section for 'need to work on' that people can write
things in for.  The reviewers (always CT person, head of some other team, and
reveiwee's dept. head) compile the answers into one short document to hand to
the person being reviewed.  (I think this isn't a bad structure for the
review document, but we might want to do 3ish sections of does well/needs
improvement answers for stuff like furthers FG goals, work at and concerning
committees, job performance, and/or maybe something else.)  At each review,
the reviewee walks out with a list of goals to work on.  They also do a  
self-eval of their performance over the past year.  They store copies of all
the documents and bring them to the reviewee's review the next year so they
can see if things have improved.
Eventually, they're going to move into a system of reviews where the team
fills out a more intensive form than the rest of the collective.  The balance
of the forms will in turn be made shorter.
Lori said that she liked signed reviews.  Since the review sheets are all
tabulated and summarized, I don't think the reviewee ever really knows who
says what.  It's useful, though, if the team doing the review can know who
filled out the sheet so they can find him/her if something's illegible or if
the feedback's too harsh and needs rewording.
They do feedback in some other ways, too.  First of all, the team a person
is on is supposed to be responsible for taking care of issues with
individuals before they get too big.  Preventatively, there's always a 5-10
min section at the start of each team's meeting in which one team member is
focused on.  They talk about how things are going with them and ask questions
and advice of the rest of their team for how to do a more effective job, etc.
If something bigger comes up, it's brought up as an agenda item in the
team's meeting. The team member just gets a little nudge, I guess.
Every quarter, each staff member puts together a document that lists all
their goals from their job description, reviews, the part of the
organization's goals that they've taken on (like stuff from the 3-year plan),  
and Performance Improvement and Concern processes and list the progress
they've made on each goal, and the next steps for each goal.  All documents
are posted in the staff log.  At what's called a 'quarterly team meeting'
each team member's quarterly progress document is reviewed and talked about
(the documents are supposed to be read before the meeting).
Board members and their designees should also recuse themselves if they have prior involvement in the matter or any other conflict of interest.
I'll be talking to Jason soon, and I'll report back on his viewpoint of the
===Threshold for Overriding===
Peoples policies.
Consensus of members in favor of a specific appeals claim is required to override a disciplinary decision or recommendation, at all levels. This consensus requires a quorum of 3 members.
===Time Frames for Appeals Actions===
At every level of appeal:
Appeal must be made within 5 business days of receipt of written decision.
Appeal must be heard within 10 business days of receipt of appeal, and the decision communicated in writing within 5 days of hearing.
Citybikes' discipline procedures are a far cry from Peoples'.  Even though
===Grounds for appeal===
they have a process for discipline, it's not really used.  Most issues are
An appeal should be based on one or more of the following:
addressed on an individual to individual basis.  They give each other lip and
* The disciplinary action is based on factually inaccurate information
nudges, and occasionally just tell each other that something that's happening
* Free Geek policy or procedure was not properly followed
isn't OK.  There's even an unwritten sort of policy that says that stuff
* The resulting disciplinary action was inappropriate
that's brought up in reviews (which each worker receives annually) shouldn't
* New information/evidence has arisen
be new: it should have been brought up to the worker individually before the
* The need for disciplinary action was not warranted
* Separate offences/incidents were inappropriately considered in aggregate
The last time a discipline issue was dealt with on more of a group basis was
probably 5 years ago.  It was a sexual harassment charge, and they dealt with
it off-the-cuff.  They dealt with it in-house by doing a sort of conflict
mediation-style talk with both parties.  It didn't work out that well because
no one was trained in how to do conflict mediation.  I think the group that's
training themselves in conflict mediation probably arose as a result of this.
The conflict mediation team is now available as a way for those who are
intimidated by those they have issues with to get the problems addressed.
In terms of reviews, there are yearly reviews with 3, 6, or next-review
check-ins if necessary.  I think they bring the paperwork from the last
review to the current one.  If there's a major issue, they sometimes move the
problem-worker's review up a few months.
Most of the issues they brought up had to do with lateness, and they said
they haven't done any forced trainings or suspensions.  If they could change
anything about the procedure, Noel mentioned that he would have a grievance
slip available to workers.  Harriet really likes their system because, she
says, it allows the workers "room to be human".  Since she's so outspoken and
friendly, she tends to know what's up in many of her co-workers' lives, and
therefore understands if someone's work is slipping because of
life-outside-of-work problems.  She's okay with cutting slack when
appropriate, because people usually get back on top of things.  She's also
really good with stating boundaries.
I asked Noel and Harriet why they thought no major issues had arisen.  They
said that, since the bike mechanics all work within a pretty close proximity
to each other, that they tend to be pretty accountable and mature.
The Problems:
===Appeal of Verbal Warning===
Harriet said that one of her biggest problems with the Citybikes community
No appeal per se is allowed for verbal warnings, but a staff member has the right to include a statement to be maintained along with the record of the verbal warning. This statement would be considered should the matter proceed toward further disciplinary action. Information from this statement may, at that time, be sufficient to overturn the initial warning, causing the new incident to be considered as a first offense.
is that they tend to be too liberal and laissez-faire about stating
boundaries when someone's going over a line (she's probably one of the  
biggest heavies when it comes to lateness issues and bigger issues). 
I've also heard some stuff through Noel over the past year and a half about
people being really passive-agressive or just too shy.  There's been times
when he's stood up against an idea during a meeting and experienced no
support during the meeting, but people then walked up to him immediately
following the meeting to voice their support to him. This looks a little
like the weenie-liberalism that Harriet spoke of.  I think a lot of it is
most likely situationally-caused.
I think an example of this attitude is this: apprentices and junior workers
get their work checked by senior workers.  Cool, but once a senior's work was
found to be flawed (I think a customer complained).  The senior worker was
told about it and refused to start submitting his/her work to once-overs by
other workers.  Nothing else ever happened - the senior worker just kind of
said, "No," and since no one was willing to enforce the non-enforced policy,
that's where it still stands. 
Another issue at Citybikes is chronic lack of communication between workers:
meeting minutes, policy changes, decisions are all posted at one of the  
shops, but many don't take the time to read them and, as might be expected,
there's no real email networking between workers.  I don't really know
exactly how this affects the problems there, but it probably does somehow.
===Appeal of First Written Warning===
May be appealed to the First Appeals Panel. The First Appeals Panel's decision is final.
So, overall, learning this stuff has convinced me that Free Geek, as an
===Appeal of Final Written Warning===
organization that has never done staff reviews and only begun doing staff
May be appealed to the First Appeals Panel. The decision of of the First Appeals Panel may further be appealed to Second Appeals Panel. The Second Appeals Panel's decision is final.
discipline, needs some good avenues for feedback. From what I've seen of  
these two collectives, I think we need a good balance of policy and
straight-up, individual-to-individual problem solving. That way, the hr
committee won't be called upon constantly to fix problems, workers are
encouraged to deal with each other in mature ways, and, if something is  
pretty serious or a long-term problem, we have a clear avenue towards a
solution.  Yes, reviews and a discipline policy will help, but writing
individual-to-individual discussion into our policy and modeling it for the
rest of staff may also take us a long way towards avoiding major problems.
===Appeal of Demotion/Dismissal===
Recommendations for demotion or dismissal may be appealed to the First Appeals Panel, prior to the recommendation being acted upon by the Staff Collective at its next regular meeting or at a special meeting held prior to next scheduled meeting.
The decision of the Staff Collective may be appealed to the Board of Directors. The Board's decision is final.
Should  a final appeal to the Board of Directors prove successful, the person is reinstated and placed on paid administrative leave retroactively to  the date of dismissal. The employee remains on paid administrative leave until the logistics of their return to work are determined, including the resolution of the issue based on the details of the successful appeal.
For example, the Board may determine the reason for dismissal was not merited at all, meaning the person is hired back just as before. Or they may have decided that dismissal was too severe of a consequence and demotion more appropriate. This would require additional details regarding terms of the new position be worked out before the staff member can return.
Oversight is a necessary component of any successful discipline policy. An Oversight Committee will meet periodically to review disciplinary actions and report on them to the collective and to the Board. The Oversight Committee shall be composed of the HR Administrator, another Collective member, and two Board members or their designees. The purpose of the review is to ensure that:
* Proper procedures were followed, internally and legally.
* The cause of the disciplinary action is a valid concern.
* All necessary documentation has been completed.
* Discipline is being meted out consistently and without favoritism.
* DPPs and/or others recused themselves from discussion when appropriate.
* No DPP sought to unduly influence the choice of another DPP.
If the Oversight Committee finds that any of the above criteria have not been met, they are empowered to dismiss the complaint, downgrade the offense, or remove/add notes in the personnel file. If the disciplinary action by a Department Point Person constitutes gross misconduct, the Oversight Committee is empowered to, if necessary, initiate disciplinary action against that Department Point Person.
This committee will meet periodically only according to need; if there are no disciplinary actions to review, no meeting is necessary.
==Discipline of Department Point Persons==
Any DPP shall be empowered to initiate and conduct disciplinary action regarding any other DPP, subject to the other terms of this policy.
A DPP who is currently the subject of disciplinary action may not initiate and conduct disciplinary action regarding the DPP who is conducting their own disciplinary action, i.e., it is an automatic conflict of interest.
The Collective as a whole shall be empowered to direct a DPP to initiate and conduct disciplinary action regarding a staff member in their department, as well as to formally call for a DPP to initiate and conduct disciplinary action regarding another DPP.
===Administrative Leave===
At the discretion of their Department Point Person, a staff member may be placed on leave for up to five business days. Administrative Leave may be necessary, for example, to allow an investigation to take place, to give the staff member or Department Point Person time to gather evidence or necessary paperwork, to prevent a staff member from interfering with evidence necessary for an investigation, to prevent them from exerting an influence over others, or to prevent them from being so influenced.
Administrative Leave is not punitive and shall not be used as a disciplinary measure. Nor shall it be used as evidence in, or be allowed to influence, a disciplinary procedure or performance review. Administrative Leave will be at full pay and will not be counted towards a staff member's paid time off. A staff member who has been put on Administrative Leave should receive written notice within three days outlining the reason for suspension, the date and times the suspension starts and ends, and notifying them of their right to appeal. Whenever possible, the staff member should receive  written notice prior to, or at the start of, their suspension. 
Administrative Leave shall not normally last for more than five business days. If it is felt necessary to extend it, the Department Point Person must first discuss it with all the other Department Point Persons and obtain their consent. The staff member shall then be notified in writing that their suspension will be extended, explain the reasons for the extension, how long the extension will last and notifying the staff member of their right to appeal the extension.
===Business Days===
Any and all references to time frames in "days" refers to business days, meaning days of Free Geek's normal, full operation. Days Free Geek is closed, or at less than full-time capacity by virtue of its normal schedule, are excluded from these time frames.
Demotion will take the form of a removal of a staff member's collective status and/or transferral to a position with fewer responsibilities or one in which they will receive more direct supervision. It will be used:
* in instances where previous attempts to resolve the issue have failed, as a final attempt to solve a problem without dismissing a staff member. 
* where a staff member is determined to be incompetent or otherwise unable to carry out their duties but dismissal is not felt to be appropriate.
Dismissal is the sanction of last resort. It is used when misconduct has persisted and all other avenues have been exhausted, or in cases of Gross Misconduct such as theft or violence against another person. 
===Examples of Minor Misconduct===
Listed below are examples of minor misconduct which may trigger the first step of the Disciplinary Procedure. This is not an exhaustive list, and does not pretend to anticipate the nuance of every situation. It is intended to provide guidance to Department Point Persons, and concrete examples to all staff members.
* Persistent lateness without notice
* Absence without notice
* Failure to work in accordance with Free Geek procedures
* Failure to meet stated expectations, including those established as part of prior disciplinary process
* Incompetence
===Examples of Gross Misconduct===                             
Listed  below are examples of misconduct which may be considered to be Gross  Misconduct and may warrant a Final Warning, Demotion or Dismissal. It is  stressed that this list is not exhaustive and that a full and proper  investigation must take place prior to issuing a Final  Warning,  Demotion or Dismissal.
* Unauthorized possession or use of Free Geek property
* Being unfit for duty due to intoxication
* Breach of confidentiality procedures
* Breach of data security procedures
* Breach of network/physical security procedures
* Physical assault
* Verbal abuse
* Willful damage of property
* Incompetence or willful action that creates an unsafe working condition
===The Written Record===
A  record of any counseling or disciplinary actions must be given to the  employee, as well as maintained in their personnel file, in accordance  with this policy, and with the [Personnel File Policy].
All aspects of the Discipline Procedure should be documented as part of the Written Record, including:
* Investigations
* Evidence and statements as part of an investigation
* Recommendations for Demotion/Dismissal
* Disciplinary Actions
* Appeals
* Results of Appeals
An employee shall be furnished with all items of the Written Record at the time they are entered into their personnel file, unless explicitly  exempted by the [Personnel File Policy].
(some  aspects of investigations may be deemed confidential, such as  grievances, testimony, etc. [Personnel File Policy] will clarify these  specifics, based on established best practices, tbd)
The  written record shall also contain relevant information to ensure the  employee is aware of options and rights available to them, including:
* specific steps to appeal
* terms of expiry
* possible consequences of non-compliance
* how to find additional information/resources
===Line Manager/DPP Responsibilities===
All Department Point People shall have certain Line Manager responsibilities in order to successfully carry out disciplinary measures within their departments. These include:
* Provide counseling to workers in department
* Ensure workers in their department are adequately supervised
* Resolve disputes
* Start investigations
* Put someone on paid administrative leave for up to 5 business days
* Issue verbal warnings
* Issue written warnings (with oversight of DPPs)
* Issue final written warning (with oversight of DPPs)
* Recommend demotion/firing
[[Category: HR]] [[Category: Policy]]

Latest revision as of 11:01, 7 March 2012


Free Geek's Disciplinary Procedure will be used only when necessary and as a last resort. Where possible, informal and/or formal counseling will be used to resolve matters prior to any disciplinary action being taken. The procedure is intended to be constructive rather than punitive but recognizes the fact sanctions must be applied in some circumstances.

These principles apply to discipline of bargaining unit employees and staff collective members. However, this particular procedure applies to the discipline of staff collective members.

A collective member can discuss any part of this policy with any other member of the Staff Collective. They can help clarify an employee's rights as well as give guidance and support where it may be needed. Every individual has the right to representation at any point during the disciplinary process.

This Procedure is to be maintained independent of any Procedures for performance review.

This Procedure is an interim solution, designed to provide needed clarity regarding discipline issues in a manner consistent with Free Geek's current structure and culture. It strives to balance the need for transparency, fairness, effiency and due process. As an interim policy, this policy's execution and effects should be reviewed occassionally by both the Staff Collective and Board, and the policy should be amended, replaced or abolished as the situation demands.

N.B. Nothing in this policy may usurp any party's legal rights, including the right to bring legal proceedings where appropriate.

Procedure For Formal Discipline & Investigation

The procedure for discipline is a five stage policy starting with counseling and moving through a series of verbal and written warnings before ending with the possibility of demotion or dimissal as a last resort. It is intended that this be followed sequentially, moving from one stage to the next only when it is clear that a staff member has been shown not to have met a clear set of expectations set in the previous stage. Exceptions are to be made only in the case of Gross Misconduct when, at a Department Point Person's discretion, they may start at a later stage as they consider appropriate.

At each stage, excepting dismissal, care must be taken to record in writing:

  • the reasons for the action taking place
  • the expectations that have now been set for the employee
  • what are the next steps to be taken by employee and Department Point Person
  • when the expectations are to be reviewed.

It is important that the expectations set meet the S.M.A.R.T. criteria of being Specific, Measurable, Appropriate, Realistic and Time-bound. Wherever possible, Department Point Persons should work with staff members to arrive at a mutually agreed upon set of expectations and time scales.

Department Point Persons have a clear duty to consider whether they have any personal involvement, or whether any conflict of interest might arise. If so, they must bring the matter to the attention of another Department Point Person and hand the matter over to them.

Staff members have the right to have a work colleague attend any disciplinary procedure with them and to consult that person in private. Staff members may request this at any time before or during a meeting. When such a request is made, the Department Point Person must delay any meeting until the work colleague has arrived and has time to consult privately with the staff member or end the meeting. Though counseling is considered informal, it should still meet the criteria set within this policy - i.e., it needs a written record and a set of clear expectations to be agreed upon.

Department Point Persons have the right to bring in others in order to aid them in investigating the matter and deciding on the course or outcome. They are strongly advised to do so if they have any doubts or questions about anything. At the first opportunity, they should gather evidence and take statements from witnesses and/or the staff member's supervisors or co-workers and prepare a written report.


Prior to any formal disciplinary measure being undertaken, a Department Point Person has a responsibility to resolve any issues through informal counseling, where appropriate. Counseling is a non-punitive measure and may come at the request of a staff member as well as a Department Point Person, with the clear understanding that such a request will not have any effect on any subsequent disciplinary measure or performance review, or the conditions of employment in any way.

Verbal Warning

The first step after counseling is the verbal warning. It is appropriate when it is necessary to take action against a staff member for minor misconduct, or where improvements sought through counseling have not been forthcoming. Despite the name, it is important that a written record is kept and provided to the staff member. They are at the discretion of Department Point Persons and may not be blocked. There is no appeal of a verbal warning, but staff members have the right to have a statement entered into their personnel files if they wish to dispute anything.

When issuing a verbal warning, Department Point Persons should arrange to meet with the staff member to discuss the matter and set expectations. They should be warned that failure to meet these expectations, or repetiton of the misconduct, may lead to further disciplinary action. A copy of the written record must be given to the staff member within seven days of the disciplinary action, and a copy filed in their personnel files. A copy must be also be sent to all other Department Point Persons for review. This procedure is to be followed in all subsequent stages.

Verbal warnings expire after 6 months, as explained below under section "Time Scales/Terms of Expiry".

First Written Warning

The next step of the disciplinary procedure is the first written warning. It may be issued in a number of circumstances:

  • as a second stage after a verbal warning if the expectations documented in the written record have not been met at the end of the specified review period or if there is a re-occurrence of the misconduct within six months.
  • where the offense is of a serious nature that falls short of Gross Misconduct, and where a verbal warning is not appropriate.
  • where the recurrence or accumulation of offenses will lead to more severe disciplinary action, for example persistent absence without explanation.

First written warnings expire after 12 months. They may be appealed by the staff member to the relevant body as described under the "Appeals" section. The staff member must be informed of this right at the meeting with their Department Point Person.

Department Point Persons should follow the same procedure as verbal warnings and must submit a copy of the written record to all other Department Point Persons for review. If there is consensus among them (excepting those who have a direct involvement or another conflict of interest) they may retroactively revoke the written warning and refer the matter back to the originating Department Point Person. The other Department Point Persons have a duty to consider the fairness, appropriateness and consistency of other Department Point Persons' actions and should use this power to ensure these.

Final Written Warning

Final Written Warning is the last stage in the Disciplinary procedure before demotion or dismissal takes place. It is used when:

  • A staff member engages in Gross Misconduct that falls short of the need for instant dismissal
  • A staff member persists in minor misconduct that has already been the subject of a First Written Warning.

Like a first written warning, it may be appealed by a staff member and is subject to a retroactive block by a consensus of the other Department Point Persons.

A Final Written Warning expires after a period of 18 months.


A Department Point Person may recommend dismissal or demotion of a staff member if:

  • Prior attempts to address the situation at all appropriate lower levels have failed
  • The situation is one of Gross Misconduct, deemed by the Department Point Person to supercede less severe steps

If the recommendation is not overridden by consensus of the other Department Point Persons, the staff member is given notice of the recommendation and placed on paid administrative leave for five business days. This leave is meant to serve as a cooling off-period, giving the staff member a chance to prepare for and file an appeal of the recommendation or to tender their resignation. This period also gives the Department Point Person time to consider and reflect on the situation before making a decision of such consequence.

The staff member may appeal the recommendation, according to the Appeals procedures outlined below. If the first appeal is unsuccessful, the recommendation continues on to the Staff Collective as a whole. The Staff Collective as a whole, excepting those who have a direct involvement or another conflict of interest, makes the decision to accept or reject the recommendation.

If the Collective as a whole fails to reject the recommendation, the recommendation is carried out, and the staff member is either dismissed or demoted in accordance with the recommendation.

A decision to demote results in the staff member being placed on an additional five business days' administrative leave. During this leave, the Collective must present the staff member with the specific terms of the demotion, including:

  • New job status/description, if applicable
  • New reporting/oversight arrangements, if applicable
  • Any changes in compensation, including benefits
  • Any other terms or conditions that have changed as a result of the decision
  • Notice that any further repetition of the issue will result in Dismissal

A decision to dismiss results in the immediate termination of the staff member. At this time, the staff member is to receive written notice of the decision, explicitly including the steps to undertake a final appeal to the Board of Directors. Steps regarding end-of-employment procedures are to be carried out, as established, at this time.

Time Scales/Terms of Expiry

The steps of the Discipline Policy are meant to be corrective, not punitive. Each step in the process involves a clearly stated time frame, during which repeat failure can trigger movement to the next step in the process. Escalation of the disciplinary procedure occurs only on repetition or failure to address a specific problem or closely related matters.

The time frame for each step increases with severity, as defined here:

  • Verbal Warning -- 6 months
  • First Written Warning -- 12 months
  • Final Written Warning -- 18 months

This term is defined for each step of this procedure, and is to be communicated to the staff member as part of the written record.

If no further incident is recorded, at the conclusion of the time frame, the infraction is considered resolved, and the incident is to be removed from the staff member's personnel file, in accordance with [Personnel File Policy]. Once expired, the matter is considered resolved; any further infraction would be treated as a new incident.

Goals and expectations set by a staff member and his/her Department Point Person should involve their own time frames, to allow for adequate scrutiny within the review process. These time frames are independent of those set by the Discipline Procedure. Achievements and improvements may be noted, even if involving prior misconduct or failures from beyond the time frames defined here. But disciplinary steps may not compound based on behavior/performance that would be considered expired as defined in this policy.

Consecutive/Concurrent Warnings

The steps of this policy are meant to address serial failures around similar issues. It is possible for a staff member to have multiple, consecutive disciplinary actions regarding separate issues. These are to be addressed independently.


Staff members have the right to appeal disciplinary actions, as follows.

A staff member may have a coworker of their choosing attend hearings as an advocate.

A staff member will have the opportunity to attend the appeals hearing, and to directly address the appeals body; however, all information to be considered will ideally be contained in the written appeal.

Deliberations are considered an Executive Session, open only to the members of the appeals body; however, the the decision is to be provided to the staff member directly, in writing, and maintained as part of the written record.

Makeup of Appeals Panels

The HR Administrator or any current member of the HR Committee shall be ineligible to serve on an Appeals Panel at any time.

When an Appeals Panel is needed, one should be selected based on random chance of three or four Collective Members who have not yet had any role in the matter or any other conflict of interest. A quorum of three panel members is needed to make any decision.

If at any point the appropriate appeals body is not available (due to lack of quorum, vacations, illness, recusal or any other circumstance that necessitates it), that appeal is channeled directly to the Board of Directors, and the Board will name one or more designees to either round out an existing, short-handed panel of Collective members, or to form an ad hoc panel to serve in a manner consistent with this policy.

It is assumed that Department Point Persons will not participate in appeals, as they will almost certainly have interacted with each proceeding already. However, if circumstances allow (e.g., a DPP returns from extended leave), it is possible for them to serve in such a capacity, provided it is their first contact with that specific incident.

First Appeals Panel

This panel communicates and convenes on ad hoc basis, as required. It may be asked to consider:

  • appeal of a First Written Warning
  • appeal of a Final Written Warning
  • appeal of a recommendation for demotion/dismissal

Second Appeals Panel

This panel communicates and convenes on ad hoc basis, as required. It may be asked to consider:

  • appeal of a Final Written Warning

Board of Directors

An appeal regarding a Collective decision to demote or dismiss an employee may be appealed directly to the Board of Directors. The Board may:

  • consider an appeal as the full Board
  • appoint a subgroup of Board members to hear the appeal
  • appoint an one or more outside designees to hear the appeal
  • appoint any combination of the above, as they deem fit in accordance with this policy

In the interest of maintaining a transparent and fair procedure, it is expected that the Board adopt a strategy for assigning designees prior to facing an actual appeals situation. The mechanics of deciding appeals remains fully at Board discretion, but it should be consistently applied.

Board members and their designees should also recuse themselves if they have prior involvement in the matter or any other conflict of interest.

Threshold for Overriding

Consensus of members in favor of a specific appeals claim is required to override a disciplinary decision or recommendation, at all levels. This consensus requires a quorum of 3 members.

Time Frames for Appeals Actions

At every level of appeal: Appeal must be made within 5 business days of receipt of written decision. Appeal must be heard within 10 business days of receipt of appeal, and the decision communicated in writing within 5 days of hearing.

Grounds for appeal

An appeal should be based on one or more of the following:

  • The disciplinary action is based on factually inaccurate information
  • Free Geek policy or procedure was not properly followed
  • The resulting disciplinary action was inappropriate
  • New information/evidence has arisen
  • The need for disciplinary action was not warranted
  • Separate offences/incidents were inappropriately considered in aggregate

Appeal of Verbal Warning

No appeal per se is allowed for verbal warnings, but a staff member has the right to include a statement to be maintained along with the record of the verbal warning. This statement would be considered should the matter proceed toward further disciplinary action. Information from this statement may, at that time, be sufficient to overturn the initial warning, causing the new incident to be considered as a first offense.

Appeal of First Written Warning

May be appealed to the First Appeals Panel. The First Appeals Panel's decision is final.

Appeal of Final Written Warning

May be appealed to the First Appeals Panel. The decision of of the First Appeals Panel may further be appealed to Second Appeals Panel. The Second Appeals Panel's decision is final.

Appeal of Demotion/Dismissal

Recommendations for demotion or dismissal may be appealed to the First Appeals Panel, prior to the recommendation being acted upon by the Staff Collective at its next regular meeting or at a special meeting held prior to next scheduled meeting.

The decision of the Staff Collective may be appealed to the Board of Directors. The Board's decision is final.

Should a final appeal to the Board of Directors prove successful, the person is reinstated and placed on paid administrative leave retroactively to the date of dismissal. The employee remains on paid administrative leave until the logistics of their return to work are determined, including the resolution of the issue based on the details of the successful appeal.

For example, the Board may determine the reason for dismissal was not merited at all, meaning the person is hired back just as before. Or they may have decided that dismissal was too severe of a consequence and demotion more appropriate. This would require additional details regarding terms of the new position be worked out before the staff member can return.


Oversight is a necessary component of any successful discipline policy. An Oversight Committee will meet periodically to review disciplinary actions and report on them to the collective and to the Board. The Oversight Committee shall be composed of the HR Administrator, another Collective member, and two Board members or their designees. The purpose of the review is to ensure that:

  • Proper procedures were followed, internally and legally.
  • The cause of the disciplinary action is a valid concern.
  • All necessary documentation has been completed.
  • Discipline is being meted out consistently and without favoritism.
  • DPPs and/or others recused themselves from discussion when appropriate.
  • No DPP sought to unduly influence the choice of another DPP.

If the Oversight Committee finds that any of the above criteria have not been met, they are empowered to dismiss the complaint, downgrade the offense, or remove/add notes in the personnel file. If the disciplinary action by a Department Point Person constitutes gross misconduct, the Oversight Committee is empowered to, if necessary, initiate disciplinary action against that Department Point Person.

This committee will meet periodically only according to need; if there are no disciplinary actions to review, no meeting is necessary.

Discipline of Department Point Persons

Any DPP shall be empowered to initiate and conduct disciplinary action regarding any other DPP, subject to the other terms of this policy.

A DPP who is currently the subject of disciplinary action may not initiate and conduct disciplinary action regarding the DPP who is conducting their own disciplinary action, i.e., it is an automatic conflict of interest.

The Collective as a whole shall be empowered to direct a DPP to initiate and conduct disciplinary action regarding a staff member in their department, as well as to formally call for a DPP to initiate and conduct disciplinary action regarding another DPP.


Administrative Leave

At the discretion of their Department Point Person, a staff member may be placed on leave for up to five business days. Administrative Leave may be necessary, for example, to allow an investigation to take place, to give the staff member or Department Point Person time to gather evidence or necessary paperwork, to prevent a staff member from interfering with evidence necessary for an investigation, to prevent them from exerting an influence over others, or to prevent them from being so influenced.

Administrative Leave is not punitive and shall not be used as a disciplinary measure. Nor shall it be used as evidence in, or be allowed to influence, a disciplinary procedure or performance review. Administrative Leave will be at full pay and will not be counted towards a staff member's paid time off. A staff member who has been put on Administrative Leave should receive written notice within three days outlining the reason for suspension, the date and times the suspension starts and ends, and notifying them of their right to appeal. Whenever possible, the staff member should receive written notice prior to, or at the start of, their suspension.

Administrative Leave shall not normally last for more than five business days. If it is felt necessary to extend it, the Department Point Person must first discuss it with all the other Department Point Persons and obtain their consent. The staff member shall then be notified in writing that their suspension will be extended, explain the reasons for the extension, how long the extension will last and notifying the staff member of their right to appeal the extension.

Business Days

Any and all references to time frames in "days" refers to business days, meaning days of Free Geek's normal, full operation. Days Free Geek is closed, or at less than full-time capacity by virtue of its normal schedule, are excluded from these time frames.


Demotion will take the form of a removal of a staff member's collective status and/or transferral to a position with fewer responsibilities or one in which they will receive more direct supervision. It will be used:

  • in instances where previous attempts to resolve the issue have failed, as a final attempt to solve a problem without dismissing a staff member.
  • where a staff member is determined to be incompetent or otherwise unable to carry out their duties but dismissal is not felt to be appropriate.


Dismissal is the sanction of last resort. It is used when misconduct has persisted and all other avenues have been exhausted, or in cases of Gross Misconduct such as theft or violence against another person.


Examples of Minor Misconduct

Listed below are examples of minor misconduct which may trigger the first step of the Disciplinary Procedure. This is not an exhaustive list, and does not pretend to anticipate the nuance of every situation. It is intended to provide guidance to Department Point Persons, and concrete examples to all staff members.

  • Persistent lateness without notice
  • Absence without notice
  • Failure to work in accordance with Free Geek procedures
  • Failure to meet stated expectations, including those established as part of prior disciplinary process
  • Incompetence

Examples of Gross Misconduct

Listed below are examples of misconduct which may be considered to be Gross Misconduct and may warrant a Final Warning, Demotion or Dismissal. It is stressed that this list is not exhaustive and that a full and proper investigation must take place prior to issuing a Final Warning, Demotion or Dismissal.

  • Unauthorized possession or use of Free Geek property
  • Being unfit for duty due to intoxication
  • Breach of confidentiality procedures
  • Breach of data security procedures
  • Breach of network/physical security procedures
  • Physical assault
  • Verbal abuse
  • Willful damage of property
  • Incompetence or willful action that creates an unsafe working condition

The Written Record

A record of any counseling or disciplinary actions must be given to the employee, as well as maintained in their personnel file, in accordance with this policy, and with the [Personnel File Policy].

All aspects of the Discipline Procedure should be documented as part of the Written Record, including:

  • Investigations
  • Evidence and statements as part of an investigation
  • Recommendations for Demotion/Dismissal
  • Disciplinary Actions
  • Appeals
  • Results of Appeals

An employee shall be furnished with all items of the Written Record at the time they are entered into their personnel file, unless explicitly exempted by the [Personnel File Policy].

(some aspects of investigations may be deemed confidential, such as grievances, testimony, etc. [Personnel File Policy] will clarify these specifics, based on established best practices, tbd)

The written record shall also contain relevant information to ensure the employee is aware of options and rights available to them, including:

  • specific steps to appeal
  • terms of expiry
  • possible consequences of non-compliance
  • how to find additional information/resources

Line Manager/DPP Responsibilities

All Department Point People shall have certain Line Manager responsibilities in order to successfully carry out disciplinary measures within their departments. These include:

  • Provide counseling to workers in department
  • Ensure workers in their department are adequately supervised
  • Resolve disputes
  • Start investigations
  • Put someone on paid administrative leave for up to 5 business days
  • Issue verbal warnings
  • Issue written warnings (with oversight of DPPs)
  • Issue final written warning (with oversight of DPPs)
  • Recommend demotion/firing