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<div style="border: 10px solid BLUE; padding: .5em 1em; color: #000; margin: 3px 3px 0;">
replaced by: [[System_Evaluation_Visual_Triage_en_Español]]
  digraph D {
  node [fontname="Helvetica", fontsize="11"]
  edge [fontname="Helvetica"]
  start        [label="INICIAR AQUI", fontsize="10", shape="box", style="bold", color="blue"]
  at            [label="¿Puede usted ver un\nconector ''AT keyboard''?"]
  proc_gone    [label="¿Puede usted ver\nsi FALTA\nEL PROCESADOR?"]
  mobo          [label="¿Se encuentra la\n''MOTHERBOARD''\nAHI?"]
  slot          [label="¿Tiene esto un\nSLOT based procesador\n(en lugar de un\nsocket based procesador)?"]
  missingparts  [label="¿Faltan\nPARTES DEL ARMAZON?\n(p.e. de la parte frontal)"]
  memory        [label="¿Puede usted ver\nalgun DDR slots?"]
  blowncaps    [label="¿Puede usted ver\nalguna BLOWN CAPS?"]
  pull_mobo1    [label="DESMONTE LA ''MOTHERBOARD''\ny llévela a\n''Advanced Testing''", shape="box"]
  pull_mobo2    [label="Vamos a reciclar\neste sistema\nporque tiene\n''BLOWN CAPS''", shape="box"]
  keep          [label="CONSERVELA\n(por el momento)", shape="box", style="bold"]
  recycle      [label="vamos a reciclarla.\nEn la Recicle label\ncircule el motivo\npor cual se recicla)", shape="box", style="bold"]
  go_back      [label="Regrese al\ndiagrama principal", shape="box", URL="/index.php?title=Diagrama Principal", style="dashed", color="red"]
  start      -> at
  at -> recycle [taillabel="SI"]
  at -> mobo [taillabel="NO"]
  mobo        -> memory [taillabel="SI"]
  mobo        -> recycle [taillabel="NO"]
  memory        -> recycle [taillabel="NO"]
  memory      -> slot  [taillabel="SI"]
  proc_gone -> blowncaps [label="NO"]
  proc_gone -> recycle [taillabel="SI"]
  pull_mobo1  -> pull_mobo2 -> recycle
  blowncaps    -> missingparts [taillabel="NO"]
  blowncaps    -> pull_mobo1 [taillabel="SI"]
  slot -> recycle [taillabel="SI"]
  slot -> proc_gone  [label="NO"]
  missingparts -> recycle [taillabel="SI"]
  missingparts -> keep [taillabel="NO"]
  keep -> go_back
  recycle -> go_back
[[Category: Spanish Build Documents]]

Latest revision as of 20:21, 5 October 2010


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If you disagree, discuss on the talk page.
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replaced by: System_Evaluation_Visual_Triage_en_Español