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(updated now that mvs is in etch)
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I'm not so fond of using my web browser as an editor, so I looked for tools to download wiki pages and edit them with my preferred editor, [http://www.vim.org vim]. I grabbed [http://search.cpan.org/~markj/WWW-Mediawiki-Client/ WWW::Mediawiki::Client], and built a debian package out of it.
I'm not so fond of using my web browser as an editor, so I looked for tools to download wiki pages and edit them with my preferred editor, [http://www.vim.org vim]. I grabbed [http://search.cpan.org/~markj/WWW-Mediawiki-Client/ WWW::Mediawiki::Client], and built a debian package out of it. and now, years later, through no work of my own, it's part of debian etch.
You can apt-get it by putting in your /etc/apt/sources.list:
<nowiki>deb http://llama.freegeek.org/~vagrant/debian unstable/</nowiki>
then runn:
apt-get update
  apt-get install libwww-mediawiki-client-perl
  apt-get install libwww-mediawiki-client-perl
from the package description:
WWW::Mediawiki::Client provides a very simple cvs-like interface for
Mediawiki driven WikiWiki websites, such as
http://www.wikitravel.org|Wikitravel or
the mvs command (formerly known as wix), mimics the two most basic
cvs commands: update and commit with similarly named methods.  Each
of these has a shorter alias, as in cvs.
== Usage ==
== Usage ==

Revision as of 14:15, 1 October 2007

I'm not so fond of using my web browser as an editor, so I looked for tools to download wiki pages and edit them with my preferred editor, vim. I grabbed WWW::Mediawiki::Client, and built a debian package out of it. and now, years later, through no work of my own, it's part of debian etch.


apt-get install libwww-mediawiki-client-perl


Basic Usage

mkdir ~/some_wiki_dir
cd ~/some_wiki_dir

Log in:

mvs login -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -d wiki.freegeek.org -w index.php

Download a page (don't forget the .wiki part!):

mvs up User\:USERNAME.wiki

If you get ? User\:USERNAME.wiki, then you must create the initial page with a web browser first and then try again.

Then, edit User\:USERNAME.wiki with your favorite editor.

To commit:

mvs com -m 'some commit message about what i changed' User\:USERNAME.wiki

Alternately, you can do a preview:

mvs preview -m 'some commit message about what i changed' User\:USERNAME.wiki

And this will generate a preview.html file that you can view with your web-browser. If you like what you see, don't forget to do a "mvs com"