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#Lights: Incandescant is basically air, halogen is a minute little gas very small impact, CFLs have mercury and makes disposal quite harder.
#Lights: Incandescant is basically air, halogen is a minute little gas very small impact, CFLs have mercury and makes disposal quite harder.
#Monitors: CRT/LCD  
#Monitors: CRT/LCD  
#Sodder tools?
#Soldering tools?
#Other common E Waste  
#Other common E Waste  
Master Recycler's tour
*Start in the classroom, talking about Free Geek, History, BAN, E Waste, Silicon Valley coalition
*Why don't we sell to the highest bidder?
*Oregon E-Cycle's program
*Basically explain adoption and build in the room.
*Hardware grants, working with the City of Portland
*42000 jobs could be created if an export ban on Ewaste would be put in place.
*Materials and quantity that we work with. Wires get shredded, plastic gets bailed, monitors we just send to Total Reclaim
*Other options
*Checking out the store
*Last minute questions, exchanging business cards/info
Ford Food & Drink 2/21
Ford Food & Drink 2/21

Revision as of 13:51, 9 February 2013

Front Desk/Receiving Associate

Eli is a very willing "person" to engage in the following:

  • Star Wars Discussion
  • Explanation on his name
  • Play Tennis

Also, in order of importances

  1. Lubs emmy
  2. Good guy
  3. Loves the planet
  4. Philosophy/Religion Major

Extra Practice using:

Indented, duh!
bold stuffz

--EliWisnievitz 00:41, 7 July 2012 (UTC)

Don't believe me? Ask Misty

I don't believe you --Scrump 00:43, 7 July 2012 (UTC)

Best Mic Ever - The Antlion Modmic

Music to look into/acquire:

  • Galactic - (Ya-Ka-May)
  • John Hammond? Ask Stephen
  • Transglobal Underground

Things to Work on

  • Front Desk Spanish Glossary of terms
  • Receiving live updating system to add onto cable chart
  • Wishlist/Request Board Incoming Bin
  • Front Desk clean up/beautification

  • Bringing Gaming/Gaming Community more into the mix
  • Hosting LANs
  • Hosting Rock Band / Music Games
  • Potentially building a Linux Arcade game (then auctioning or integrating it)
  • LAN Pickups (Follow up with PDX LAN and get in touch with other charity type events)

Green Schools Summit 3/1

  • Downstream Info/Vetting: (http://wiki.freegeek.org/index.php/How_to_choose_a_recycling_vendor) Audits, called a desk audit. Do they have certificates and system for processing. We ask for downstream until final disposition, bill of laiding, show copies of all their materials being moved or shipped. If its steel they sometimes will just send to russia to smelt. Focus materials like circuit-board, fluorescent bulbs etc. Notification required if process changes with 2 weeks. R2 term. Site audit. Certificate of destruction. When we get audited, we get checked on our process and our copies of downstream accountability.
  • More about whats safe to handle at home. Newer stuff still has toxics in it, so be wary. Older stuff can still be pretty nasty. Smellable volatile organic compound..
  • Global impact China and new Africa Video clip. Terror Blight movie
  • Toxicity : (http://wiki.freegeek.org/index.php/Toxins_in_Computers)
  • Hands on items: (What they are what they have inside of them)
  1. Mobo: Caps/Blown caps have irritant. Capacitors used to be full of PCB. Older ones may still have PCBs. Sodder could be lead or silver, exposed lead
  2. Ram ^
  3. Power Supply: Exposed lead, sodder on the back. Charge left inside the capacitor.
  4. Lights: Incandescant is basically air, halogen is a minute little gas very small impact, CFLs have mercury and makes disposal quite harder.
  5. Monitors: CRT/LCD
  6. Soldering tools?
  7. Other common E Waste

Master Recycler's tour

  • Start in the classroom, talking about Free Geek, History, BAN, E Waste, Silicon Valley coalition
  • Why don't we sell to the highest bidder?
  • Oregon E-Cycle's program
  • Basically explain adoption and build in the room.
  • Hardware grants, working with the City of Portland
  • 42000 jobs could be created if an export ban on Ewaste would be put in place.
  • Materials and quantity that we work with. Wires get shredded, plastic gets bailed, monitors we just send to Total Reclaim
  • Other options
  • Checking out the store
  • Last minute questions, exchanging business cards/info

Ford Food & Drink 2/21

  • Set up video game competition
  • Check out Bomberclone as potential tournament game
  • Other games or mediums

Spanish Receiving Glossary

Receiving Boxes

  1. Ribbon Cable "Cables de Cinta"
  2. Thin Colored Wire "Cables de Color Delgado"
  3. Firewire "Cables de Firewire"
  4. Ethernet "Cables de Ethernet"
  5. USB "Cables de USB"
  6. RCA "Cables de RCA (Audiovisual)"
  7. DVI "Cables de DVI (Interfaz Visual Digital)"
  8. VGA "Cables de VGA (Gráficos de Vídeo)"
  9. Wall Warts "Adaptadores de electricidad"
  10. Memory "Memoria"
  11. Processors "Procesadores"
  12. Advanced Testing "Pruebas Avanzada"
  13. Cards/Motherboards "Tarjetas y Placa Madre"
  14. Networking Devices "Dispositivos de red"
  15. Power Supplies "Fuente de alimentación"
  16. Fans/Heat Sinks "Ventiladores y Disipador de calor"
  17. Games "Juegos"
  18. Optical Drives "Unidad de discos ópticos"
  19. Store "La Tienda"
  20. Laptop "Computadora portátil"
  21. PDA/Digital Camera "Accesorios de Cámaras digital y PDAs"
  22. Cell Phone Accessories "Accesorios de celulares"
  23. Online Sales "Ventas por Internet"
  24. Mac Incoming "Macintosh entrante"
  25. Power Cords "Cables de alimentación"
  26. E-Plastic "Plastico Electrónico"
  27. Printer Accessories "Accesorios de impresoras"
  28. Magnetic Metal "Metal Magnético"
  29. Non-Magnetic Metal "Metal que no es Magnético"
  30. Advanced Recycling/Danger Box "Reciclaje Avanzado"
  31. Batteries "Baterías"
  32. Bulk Sales "Ventas al por mayor"
  33. CDs "Discos Compactos"
  34. Floppy Disks "Disquete"
  35. Jewel Cases "Forros de CDs"
  36. Zip Disks "Discos de Zip"
  37. VHS/Casette "Casetes"
  38. Other Disks "Otros Discos"
  39. Filmy Plastic
  40. Styrofoam "Espuma de Poliestireno
  41. Dirty Plastic "Plástico sucio"
  42. Bubble Wrap
  43. Anti Static Bags
  44. Packing Material
  45. Plastic Bags
  46. Paper Bags
  47. Office Supplies
  48. C.B.M.

Helpful Incoming Terms:

  • Help me with this. "Ayudame con esto"
  • Put that down. "Deja eso"
  • There is a donor here. "Aquí hay un donante"
  • Help unload the carts. "Ayuda a descargar los carros"
  • Take this to the warehouse. "Lleva esto a la bodega"
  • I am sorting this box. "Estoy ordenando esta caja"
  • Do you want to take a break? "¿Quieres tomar un descanso?"
  • Thank you. "Gracias"
  • Good job. "Buen Trabajo"
  • That goes here. "Eso va aquí"
  1. Phase 1 (Help Donor) "Fase 1 (ayudar al donante)"
  2. Phase 2 (Clear Cart of Tallied Donations) "Fase 2 (vaciar el carro de las donaciones ya registradas)"
  3. Phase 3 (Sort Table) "Fase 3 Clasificar lo que hay en la mesa)"

Other Words:

  • Bag "Bolsa"
  • Mouse "Ratón"
  • Keyboard "Teclado"
  • Monitor "Pantalla"
  • Wireless "Inalámbrico"
  • Batteries "Baterías, pilas"
  • Box "Caja"
  • Cardboard "Cartón"
  • Rubber 'Elástico"
  • Audio/Video "Audio/vídeo"
  • Recycling "Reciclaje"
  • Gloves "Guantes"
  • Goggles "Lentes de protección"


Tour Redux

  1. 1 Tour Opening
  • Make sure everyone is there and all bags are checked.
  • FREE GEEK is a 501(c)(3) not for profit community organization that reuses and recycles technology to provide computers, education, internet access and job skills training in exchange for community service.
  • Be sure to mention that we are an inclusive community, and our training/programs are geared a very wide spectrum of people.
  • Our computers all are supported by Open Source Software which is free and
  • We also have many internship opportunities available which can be applied for directly online on our website.
  • Describe 2 main programs. We have two programs. Make sure that people know, by the end of the tour, that we have 2 programs. Adoption and Build. Describe the 2 programs throughout the tour.
  • Volunteers may receive one computer from us per year, regardless of the program/programs they complete.
  • You are required to leave your bags checked at the Front Desk, so leave valuables at home.
  1. 2 Receiving Hallway, keep it clear please!
  • Standing Tasks: Incoming equipment flows through here; donations come from both individuals and companies. Much is still usable. Receiving volunteers learn about all different types of hardware. Receiving involves customer service and heavy lifting.
  • Volunteers must be able to lift 40-50 lbs (e.g. lift a monitor, a heavy printer).
  • Seated Tasks: Mouse and Keyboard Testing in Receiving are seated tasks, and can be requested when signing up to volunteer.
  • There is always a minimum of 1 supervisor working in Receiving. Volunteers need to check in with the supervisor when beginning a shift.
  • Always check in with the supervisor when arriving to a shift and leaving a shift. Your first shift in Receiving needs to be at least 2 hours to get the full training and time for it to sink in.
  • We take almost any electronic device. What we don't take:Styrofoam, Microwave Ovens, Copiers, Smoke Detectors, Household Appliances (including air conditioners), Batteries, Fluorescent Light Bulbs.
  • When leaving receiving, lead the tour through the hallway not through System Evaluation.
  • Show people where the bathroom and First Aid are located!